Chapter Ⅵ: Mountain

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Achillean was walking alongside one human that had traveled with the attack party. He went by the name 'Noble' though Achillean wasn't sure if that was his real name or not.

"Why do you want to find her?" Noble asked, breaking the deafening silence between him. The human had dark skin with black hair, his eyes were gray in color. The human held himself high.

"I-" Achillean paused. Did he know? Or was he just acting on instinct?

"You don't know, do you?" Noble spoke with a calm and easy-going tone.

"No-" he sighed "I don't- I'm not sure if im just acting on instinct either,"

The two walked in silence. The only sound was the sound of crunching snow below their feet and the occasional chirp from a bird. The surrounding mountain seemed to be silent as the stars themselves.

A cold shiver ran down the Nestoris' spine; he had felt this feeling before. Someone was watching them. He glanced around briefly, looking for any sign it was just an animal. The mountain was silent- there was nothing out here but them.

"Noble-" he whispered trying to not let the presence know they knew it was there.

"You feel it as well?" the human whispered back.

"Yep, just keep walking maybe whatever is watching us will leave," Achillean spoke in a low and quiet tone.

But the cold feeling never left. It worried Achillean who, or whatever, was watching them had ill intent.

They had been walking for about half an hour before they spotted an ice cave walking inside Achillean spotted a red light feeling relieved he walked forwards

Amaya and Ember both sat curled up.

Achillean let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Helping Amaya to her feet, he led her out of the ice cave. Judging by the position of the sun in the sky they had a few hours of daylight left.

"How is your leg?"

"Fine," Amaya replied her voice was thick with exhaustion.

Achillean slid his arm under hers, helping to support the tired Ardoni. He heard her utter a quiet 'thank you' under her breath. It was going to be a long walk home.


The sun had completely set leaving the small group in darkness the only light came from the stars and the Ardoni markings.

Achillean still couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Whatever was watching them clearly wanted to harm them.

He shivered slightly he hoped they would find the rest of the patrol soon,

Achillean tightened his grip on his staff. He wasn't taking any chances.

The night was silent- no howling wind or sounds of animals in the distance, only the footsteps of the group and their breathing.

It seemed even nature was running from the presence.

Achillean shook the worried thoughts from his head. If it attacked, he would fight back. End of story.

Part of him worried, what if- he paused did he just- No.

He would fight regardless.



Amaya let out a breath of relief as a smokestack was visible in the dark night.

She glanced behind her to see the massive shadow of Mt. Velgren behind her. Had they really traveled that far?

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