Chapter Ⅴ: Gift

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Achillean snapped away from his nightmare, beads of sweat rolled down his face, his breathing was uneven and labored, normally he would just shake it off.

But something about that dream scared him to his core.

He shut his eyes pleading for the memory of the dream to flee his mind, but it stayed there replaying over, and over through the darkness of the tent he saw Amaya curled up on the other side her breathing was even and calm the exact opposite of Achillean's.

He inhaled the cold air into his lungs despite it being freezing outside he felt as if he were on fire. Quietly standing up he walked outside of the tent as the cold wind whipped around him. It felt nice and distracted him from his nightmare.

Though in the back of his mind Ingressus' words remained- engraved like a fresh wound.

Achillean had been told he was a natural leader who always seemed to know what to do.

He disagreed, a storm brewed inside of him he put on a mask to hide it, to make it seem he knew what he was doing when in truth he didn't have a clue in the slightest.


The male Voltaris overlooked the fiery nether the screeches of demonic creatures echoed across the hellish landscape

"Enjoying the view?" A deep voice spoke from behind him.

The Voltaris turned to see Kronos, King Kronos of the Nether

"If you wish to think so then yes," his voice sounded a lot drier than he had expected

"I thought you would like to know the scouts have spotted the Tidesinger,"

"Let your warriors know to not engage I want Achillean to stand before me and beg for his pathetic life," his voice turned much, much darker

"He is also traveling with a Female Voltaris, who has a child,"

"What does this Voltaris look like?"

"Her markings are simplistic but the color of them almost matches yours perfectly,"

"Amaya.." he whispered under his breath.

"Yes, well she seems to grow close to him, when we capture the Tidesinger should we kill her?"

"-no, If what you say is true and that they are growing close, then it'll make his death much more satisfying,"

Part of Ingressus screamed to not bring harm to his brother, but the other part- the darker part relished in the thought of the Nestoris on his knees bloody and broken. Begging to be spared.

Ingressus smirked at the thought.

It played out in his head, Achillean would most likely try to talk to him and tell him he was wrong, Achillean was so predictable talking his way out of battles instead of fighting them. It was Pathetic, really.

His mind slipped back into a simpler time when they were both young, and still innocent in a way,

The memory was one he had tried to forget to push it away to the back of his mind.

As hard as he tried to stop the memory from flowing.

He couldn't.

"You know, Ingressus, you could apply to become one of  the warriors who protect Nestoria,"

"Yes Achillean," he smiled. "I'm aware,"

"Then why don't you? Your plenty skilled,"

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