Chapter Ⅰ: First snowfall

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The Voltaris curled up tighter into her deerskin grateful for the little warmth it provided. She covered her ears with her small hands wanting to block out the howling wind from outside, she lifted her head weakly to glance up at her mother the adult Voltaris face was concerned

She child let out a small cough that caused her to shiver, her mother picked the child up gently the child melted into her mother's warmth feeling the cold melt away from her body, the child closed her eyes feeling darkness cloud her vision.


The mother glanced down at her sleeping daughter; she rocked her child gently to sleep her mind wandered to her own childhood.

"I want to tell you something, Amaya,"

The young Voltairs perked up.

"When you're a mother, you will have a love so fierce, fiercer than even the greatest champion," her mother paused "if an Ardoni is wise they will not bring harm to your children, but if they are foolish, they will challenge that love and pay the price,"

Amaya at that age had not understood what her mother had meant, but now that Amaya had children of her own she understood, she loved her daughter fiercely and would die before she let any harm come to her.

she glanced around the small cave they used as their home Amaya had started a small fire when she had come in.

She sighed uttering a silent prayer under her breath that her daughter might be spared from the violence of the other clans.

Amaya fell asleep but soon woke to the rising sun, she got up careful not to wake her child.

She walked outside the frigid air greeted her she went about her morning checking water and food supplies. The sound of the warning horn alerted her dropping her water bucket she ran towards her cave.

The clans had found them.

She ran harder, the thick snow on Mt Velgrin wasn't making her task easier

She froze seeing several Ardoni near her cave her heart wrenched at the very thought of one champion even going near her child. She watched waiting for the worst a cry reached her ears without hesitating she whipped out her bow taking aim at the Ardoni she fired. her arrows rained down upon them making them flee she saw her son, Prostátis run into the cave getting her daughter Amaya felt relief flood her chest but knew they were not safe yet.


Prostátis was running hard through the snow behind him a trail of blood marked where he went his sister whimpered her tiny hands trembled he gently hushed her and heard the twang of a bowstring then pain exploded from his back he fell onto the snow, the ground was stained with blood he could hear the crunching footsteps of a champion prostátis got to his feet his back still hurting his breath heaved with an effort he saw a nearby tree running to it he placed his sister inside her eyes had tears in them.

"I need to be quiet, can you do that?"

His sister nodded, her hands reaching out to hug her brother he gave his sister a hug knowing very well it would be the last time he ever saw her.

Running from the tree he was out on the clear open sinister blue markings came into view, He pulled a small short sword from his inventory the Voltaris and Sendaris circled each other like animals ready to strike.

"Are the ardoni so heartless they would harm a child who has done no wrong in her life?"

"Im no more heartless than the Voltaris" the Sendaris hissed, his voice dripping in venom.

They charged.

Each movement was graceful, one may not think Fighting could ever be grateful, but each blow, each strike had an even amount of force behind it but prostátis was growing tired, the champion's strength outmatched his own.

Prostátis slightly hesitated, the sendaris took this chance swiftly burying his sword in prostátis' chest.

His eyes widened the snow below the Voltaris was stained with red and blue blood,

He staggered slightly the pain slowly spread across his body, his breathing hitched as the Voltaris fell to his knees.

His vision swam in darkness as his markings faded forever.


Amaya watched in horror as her son fell to the ground she watched as the champion ran off.

"No-no please no!" she ran to her son her hands trembling hot tears rolled down her cheeks she was on her knees her hands buried in her face.

Fury roared in her chest, she clenched her fits.

When would the other clans stop this madness?

Were they heartless?

Amaya got back to her feet "your death will not be in vain my son" she whispered she grabbed his sword turning towards where the Sendaris had gone a still snowfall flurried around her.


The Voltaris child hugged her legs, she was shaking. She was afraid of the Sendaris finding her.

What she didn't understand was why?

She had done nothing wrong.

Her heart drummed in her ears. She was cold, so cold her fingers turned blue.

She backed into the farthest corner of the hollow tree trying to keep herself warm from the view of the tree she could see snow, it slowly fell to the ground, this was the first time she had ever seen snow, she observed it with curious eyes,

She moved closer to the entrance, holding out her small hand to touch the snowflakes,

Each one looked so different, it reminded her of Ardoni markings how different they all could be.

she pricked her ears leaping back from the entrance thankfully it was small,

She saw the legs of a Sendaris Ardoni pacing around the tree hunting her.

The Voltaris child slowed her breathing scared to be found.

The child let out a scared cry as the champion's sword dug into the hollow tree.

She had two options:

Run or stay.

She ran.

The Voltaris child bolted from the tree, the surrounding snow seemed to fall faster making it almost impossible to see. She lost her footing in the slippery snow, falling to the cold ground she shivered, both from the cold and fear.


Amaya ran towards her daughter they both needed to escape. Now.

She watched the Sendaris approach her daughter. Panic rose in her chest Amaya ran harder blocking the Sendaris from her child.

"The greatest warrior is a parent defending their child,"

And with that, Amaya charged.

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