Lost time (epilogue)

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due to me not liking how I ended this book- I rewrote this chapter. enjoy!


Lost time.

The blind Voltaris paced back and forth. No one had seen Achillean since he had gone off to fight Ingressus.

And Amaya was fearing the worst.

The Voltaris felt her daughter hug her leg. "he will come back to us," Ember paused. "he promised he would."

Amaya knelt down, gently grabbing her daughter's hands, "Som- sometimes promises are made to be broken,"

The chance that Achillean had been killed was a high one.

Amaya then hugged her daughter. The child had started to whimper slightly, she had started to think of the Nestoris as her father.

"Is he gone?"

"I-" Amaya swallowed her cry, "I don't know, I- I hope not,"

"If he is, I'm going to miss him," Ember replied sadly.

Amaya felt tears stream down her face. She inhaled deeply, drying her tears.

"Let's go down to the pier," she told her daughter, wanting to cheer the child up.



The child followed her mother and Aperion through the Nestoris village. Most of the Ardoni gave her a friendly smile and a wave.

The sun had a few more hours and then it would set, engulfing the sky in darkness.

Part of her wondered that if Achillean had died- had he met her older brother, and father in the Stars?

sadness fell over her. Almost everyone Ember had loved was dead.

It seemed the Stars were not in her favor. She fidgeted with her hands. The Voltaris wanted to cry, to just let out all the built-up loss she held.

First, her brother had been slaughtered.

And now Achillean-whom she had started to think of him as her father, might be dead.

It hurt.

It hurt a lot.

The sound of the roaring ocean, she padded out into the sandy ground, she was not used to the feeling of the sand under her feet, or the warm weather Nestoria was blessed with, she looked back at her mother and Aperion, both Ardoni seemed to be silently mourning, but never letting it show- to stay strong.

Aperion said something to her mother, though Ember wasn't sure what she had said.

The child spent the next half hour playing in the sand. Though she didn't see it, the fact that she was being carefree for once made her mother smile.

Not much time had passed when the sun had completely set, Nestoria at night was even more stunning than during the day, the noisy birds had all gone silent leaving the soft whispers of the wind and the cry of the ocean.

Fireflies drifted around, their lights softly flashing.

even in the calmness of the surrounding areas, there was a sense of loss that hung in the air.

a male Nestoris wielding a diamond staff stopped them. His expression was heartbroken as he talked to them.

"They found both Ingressus' and Achillean's songs.." he paused, shutting his eyes for a moment almost as if he wished it was a dream. "It is safe to assume they are both dead," his voice had dropped to a low whisper.

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