Chapter Twelve

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A tall figure leaned on the closed window peering outside, Toono and Toru were speaking. Both holding a sack "We're you going to have lunch?" "yeah..." Toono was first to speak, Toru was very plain looking and extremely shy, therefore would have never gotten noticed by anyone until he became labeled as 'Yuris Stalker' which was soon settled...Somewhat "oh yeah, did you return everything you stole from Yuri-kun?" Toru Fujusaki looked around nervous, stuttering from anxiety "M-most of it..." "You're shameless!" Toono blurted out loudly. Tengfei snickered covering his mouth, his dual-colored eyes scanned both boys beyond the glass.

"By the way, do you really like him? You do know Yuri-kun is quite the pervert, right?" "Of course!" Tengfei slide the window open a slight bit, flinching when Toru had a sudden burst of yelling his feelings. Leaning on the window seal he was surprised he was being unnoticed.

"I know he was lots of sex with a lot of people but...." Toru brought his hands over his chest looking down, his eyes softened. He was being genuine "I like him! This is the first time I' feeling like this. I feel happy when I just look at Yuri-Kun" Toru's face went red with blush "Why is he so cute!" Fei blinked, Toru was shy unless it came to talking about Yuri. There was speeding footsteps, Fei had to lean slightly more out the window to look and see where they were coming from. His silver hair strands followed some dancing in the wind with each breeze that came. Toono looked past Torus shoulder to see what Fei was seeing. A wild Yuri barreling in their direction. Chasing Yuri, a pissed Tamura "Toono!" Toono watched at Yuri leaped over both boys landing behind Toono "That bastard ate all my bread! Make him puke it all our and get them back!!" Tamura was never one to be calm for more than fifteen minutes.

"That's impossible!" Toono yelled back. Fei tilted his head when Yuri looked in his direction. Yuri smiled like a child, Fei respectfully nodded to him "Yuri-kun..." "Huh?" Yuri turned around facing Toru who was madly blushing looking at the ground. Toru was tugging at his own shirt, shaking from his nerves. Oddly something predator-like flicked on in Tengfei. His eyes locked on to Toru, as if he couldn't look away. He saw every detail, every curl or split end on Torus black hair. Every small dirt stain that has been tried to wash out of his shirt. The second button of Toru's stitched back on with a eggshell white thread not a snow white to match the uniform. How Torus face was red from one cheekbone to the other. The tips of his ears also beginning to light aflame "I like you!" He blurted out as a sweat bead dribbled down the back of his neck.

Yuri seemed to circle him before jumping into his face "Which do you prefer-nyan?" He leaned in super close "To put it in? To be put in? In the middle?" Toru breaking from the shy aspect seeming to man-up a little more was able to have Fei break his stare "What does that-" "SEX!!!" Yuri yelled jumping around. Toru seemed to just mumble under his breath and Yuri looked displeased "Boring!" He shouted at Toru before turning leaving. Toru's face began to tear up. Tengfei bit his lip. He sighed. Yuri was the type no one should fall for, for at least. Not now.

Tenfei slinked back closing the windows, he felt a tug on his hanfu. Looking down it was a classmate of his. In this case. A client "You ready, yes?" The boy smiled blushing. This was one of his regular clients. Every Thursday at 2:00pm like clockwork. He always showed five minutes early, which Fei appreciated since he wouldnt have to stand around waiting and wondering.

The smaller school boy looked up at him, with bright green eyes. The silver-haired giant gave a nod letting the little one lead the way to an all known empty classroom, that was made to be use only for one reason. Sexual reasons.

"I-i want to try something new" the small boys squeaked, he's slowly took off his shirt. Shed off his pants, leaving him only and his white boxers. Fri, thought he had seen it all someone a reason why he really liked the school in the first place. It never ceased to surprise him. Which became even more evident, as of the small boy in front of him. Reached into his backpack pulling out a glittering red dress. It shimmered like millions of jewels, it was almost painfully a beautiful material.

The youngboy split it over his body, the material hugging every inch of him. Then he looked up with a blushing red face, the green eyes twinkling before he spoke seven simple words "I'm ready, Give it to me rough" something twitched inside of him, not snapped, but twitched. It almost made him need to catch his breath, but fulfilling the younger boys wishes. In a Split Second the shorter boy was slammed down on a teacher's desk, the dress hoisted up to his hips and his underwear all but ripped off.

Fei's dual colored eyes roamed the features of the boy below him, taking in his blushing face, his small frail frame, his collarbone, the Slender fingers which seem like they should have belonged to a girl, not this boy. Reaching in his pocket he pulled out small bottle of lube, wasting no time, he applied the lube on the green-eyed males' entrance. Applying it he pressed a finger in "a-ah!" The boy yelped.

"Did I hurt you?" Fei hesitated. He covered up his mouth with both of his feminine hands, shaking his head. He managed to muffle out between his fingers "you're touch feels good" Fei chuckled at the false alarm.

Last thing he needed was to get a report from harming a customer.

"C-can you please put it in.....I want to feel you" the taller student, gave it a thought. But this particular customer, seemed resilient whenever it came to Fei's size and how fast it was being put in "mmm" Fei nodded once before lubing his shaft placing it at the entrance pushing in.

"Oh god-d, y-yes" He moaned as Fei slowly was gaining inches in his rectum.

Suddenly Tengfeis hanfu was clutched by his customers. Saiki had gripped a fistful of Feis hanfu. Fei not having Him say his safeword continued to go deeper. Once he put in as much as he wanted her began to thrust his hips. Each one Fei felt Saiki's insides wrap around his member like a warm tight Anaconda. Fei let out a small pant leaning over him placing one palm against the desk and his other on Saikis hip.

Fei leaned in increasing his speed, but not enough to harm his customer. Saiki wrapped his arms around feis neck, some of Tengfeis silver white hair drizzled down to the side making a curtain from the twos faces and a open widow.

"Ten...T-tengfei..." Fei didnt stop his movements, he knew Saiki was about to climax so why was he speaking. He should just be focus on cumming "Hm.." Fei hummed a small pant raising an eyebrow. Then Saiki tightened his wrap around Tengfeis neck he looked the taller boy in his dual-colored eyes "I...I love you Tengfei" kissing him on the lips.

Tengfei froze mid-thrust. His lips still being pressed against saiki, he made the thought of if he should act as if he never heard anything and continue but as the thought was running threw his head. It was clear he couldnt, Fei froze mid-way. Meaning he heard Saiki "Do you like me, like...I like you?" Fei blinked as saiki pulled away with apple red cheeks. Yuri just got confessed to and now so did Fei. This was karma for saying Yuri wasnt ready for a relationship. Fei looked at saiki " well-"

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