Chapter Five

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Yuri pulled back bumping his forehead against hers "what?" she asked and then Yuri grabbed her dick. She grabbed his wrist turning her back to his chest before throwing him over her shoulder "Bad!" Fei moved out of the way just in time for yuri to be slammed into the ground "Yuri!" Bai released his wrist putting her bra back on "Kyuu kyuu, fire!" Yuri gave a thumbs up his tongue out of his mouth. Like he was saying he liked how feisty she was "Baihua is a martial arts champion, she may look weak but she's stronger than the average bottom male" Fei helped her clip her bra back on and straighten out her shirt "The only person allowed to touch me there is brother Fei!" Yuri sat up and Bai crossed her arms over her chest puffing out her cheeks "You're siblings?" Itome, Keiichi's boyfriend asked from the couch "No, when you have someone you have endearment for. You call them brother. Some couples even call their lovers brother since it means you're welcoming them into the family" "I see, we have a similar culture here" Itome agreed "What is this club? Brother never mentioned being in one" Fei awkwardly chuckled looking off to the side "We're a sex club!" Baihua blinked, it slowly registered in her face then she furrowed her eyebrows turning to Fei. He flinched getting three feet away out of swinging distance "You're screwing boys behind my back?!" "W-wait" she grabbed the nearest thing which was a mathematics textbook "You fucking pervert couldn't keep it in your pants!" "calm down!" she chucked the book at his head and he swiftly dodged the bookmaking a small divot in the wall behind him where he head was previously. 

The club-mates were frozen seeing her strength, her sudden anger, they didn't know Chinese "cococo! Couple!"  Yuri smiled licking his top lip. Keiichi looked at the wild woman as she picked up another textbook aiming it at Fei who was trying to calm her down with fast Chinese words "They're a couple, oh boy...I didn't think Fei was a lecherous man" "I'm not!" Fei yelled quick japanese ducking as the third book was thrown as his head. He lowered his body rushing and pinning Bai against the furthest wall "Stop causing drama, You're first in my heart Baihua!" "obviously not in your head! Mostly your second one you fucking nast-" Fei cut her off by roughly slamming his lips against hers shutting her up "ooh" Tamura smiled at Fei showing his more dominant side. After the boys watched fei roughly kiss Baihua for a solid two minutes she relaxed and Fei pulled away "Seriously Mouse" Fei sighed, he was too exhausted for all this drama. He backed up and Bai latched onto his arms nuzzling into it "Are you two dating?" Keiichi asked and fei shook his head "no, she's my pet" "pet?" the neko in the club tilted his head.

Fei took a seat on the couch Bai latched into his arm nuzzling his bicep, the other members sat around the room. Tamura, yuri, and Itsuki watching Bai nuzzle his arm "Besides going to a brothel, or club. To prevent me from sleeping around and possibly catching something. They buy me a personal prostitute. Which it's their job to only sleep with me. We refer them to as our pets, since they stay at our own houses and we take care of them as if they are pampered pets" "oh! I see, so when she heard you were sleeping with other men she was worried she would lose her job?" Fei shook his head "No, she's under contract and has another three years until renewal. Even if I don't sleep with her, she's still paid" "then...why?" Bai stopped nuzzling looking dead into Keiichi's eyes "He's mine!" "Stop being rude, he's our senpai" Bai puffed our her cheeks hiding her face in his bicep "she can get I said, they're treated like spoiled pets. They want attention and they can't sleep with anyone else besides their owner" Tamura rolled his eyes "What if they do?" "...There are consequences" Fei didn't want to tell them it was a bullet to the brain, he didn't want the club members to know who his family is and the line of duty they work in. Tamura narrowed his eyes "what kind?" "Just bad ones, so even if she was to join this club. For her to sleep with men would be a breach in the contract she made with my family" Keiichi nodded cutting in to move the subject along "how much do you get paid?" Bai brought her head out looking at the other blonde, she thought then spoke "about two million won a month" the group choked, even yuri fell off the couch "A-a month?!" it was only two thousand a month "Yes, but they pay for clothes, food, sleeping areas, and the toys used" Keiichi looked at Fei who scratched the side of his face looking at the ground "Fei, you're rich?!" Fei chuckled nervously "...I prefer the term well off not rich" 

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