Chapter Six

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A week had passed since Bai's arrival, the club members welcomed her. She wasn't an official club member, but she did appear at the side of Fei so she was like an acquaintance of the club. Her closest friend besides Fei was Itsuki for him being the bottom in the club who loves girl clothes. Fei never really seemed to get extremely close with any of the members besides from just friendship.

Fei was in the club room which was empty reading a literature book, he had already filled his months sex quota for the club, so he intended to just sit and relax studying up on his language skills. He always kept an eye out for Bai, being she was at an all boys school and known to hang out with the clubs members. Many boys thought she would be available but when they tried to come into her. They were either stopped with Fei or a member of the club stopping them, or if she was alone. She would simply beat them down with a few punches and landing a final blow to the throat hindering oxygen support for a short while. She was capable to defend herself "Fei? The club meeting isn't for another twenty minutes. Come here early?" The president walked in with his boyfriend behind him. Fei looked up from his book "I've already filled the quota, pushing on twelve. I came here to read" the president blinked "Whoa.... you're starting to take the highest place in the club" the praised made Fei smile.

 "What are we going to do for activity?" Keiichi hummed 

"Well today might be pretty relaxing, someone gifted some tea to us" Fei tilted his head "Tea?" the blonde smiled "Yeah! It was to the club saying 'To the friends of Tengfei Wu' sound like you have an admirer." Fei blinked at the explanation but shook it off "The club is going to be here any second so I guess we should go get it from the teachers' lounge" Fei stood "I'll go get" Keiichi smiled thanking him with a bow.

The long-haired boy put down his book and pulled his hair into a high ponytail as he closed the club door behind him making his way to the teachers' lounge. 

Fei had his arms crossed the black hanfu still gave him an airy elegant look, his different colored eyes scanned the hallways, it was empty. Yes, it was after school hours but usually, the hallways lingered with more than a handful of kids. Fei wondered if it was a Japanese holiday. He knocked twice on the lounge door "Come in" Fei opened the door peering his head in, there was only one teacher and he looked like he was getting ready to leave aswell "Tengfei, what brings you here" he set his briefcase down on the table looking at the student "There was tea I was sent to retrieve" "Yuki already dropped by and got the basket. Oh, but he did forget this-" he paused digging around on the desk holding out a peice of paper which Fei reached out to get.

"Awe man, Fei literally just left to get the tea" "kyu?" Keiichi shook his head taking the tea up. Everyone sat inside the club room on the couch including Baihua. The club president already had the water boiling and placed the tea bags in the teapot "Second semester is coming around, so that means transfer students will be coming in. If they're first years they'll have to join clubs" the president spoke calmly as he brought out a tray placing down the teacups.

He filled the teacups with he tea and the room had a sweet aroma "the club is getting popular with Fei" Tamura yawned. The club nodded and Bai looked at the members "Gege is always popular, but shouldn't it die down after new people join" Itome began pouring the tea into the cups handing them out, each member began to sip away happily "I guess that's a possibility. Hey, you're going to burn yourself!" Keiichi looked at Yuri who gulped the hot liquid.

After sipping away a clatter sounds in the room, everyone looked at the Neko of the club. Itsuki was standing but the cup was shattered in the ground at his feet, then he dropped to his knees falling limply to the side "Itsuki!" Tamura jumped up but stumbled ultimately faceplanting next to Itsuki, his body was also limp. 

One by one the people in the rooms bodies went limp and the cups fell to the ground "w-what?" Itsuki called out looking at Tamura who was also looking back "what the fuck, I can't move!" "I can't either" Keiichi tried moving his fingers but they wouldn't budge "My my my, so this is Tengfei's friends?" the door slid open and seven men dressed in black stepped in spreading out in the room "Who...are you?" the main man who stood in the middle, he had a scar running from his left temple, across the bridge of his nose, ending at the bottom of his right bottom cheekbone. Like a typical villain.

The man with black inky orbs and greased backed brown hair "Well, we were hired by the Lou family with Tengfei's friends" the club members felt fear bubble in their guts, and for a good reason "Tengfei isn't far, he'll kill you if you try anything" "Oh, you mean the teacher lounge which is across the school-" "He's fast" Baihua was quick to take up the talking speaking with a venomous tone. She knew the Lou family, by the clueless looks of the club members. They didn't.

The man grabbed her collar yanking her up to his face "So you're tengfei's tranny whore?" "I prefer pet" She spit in his face. The club watched in horror as he dropped her to the ground wiping off his face "Bitch" with a heavy kick in the ribs she was sent skidding across the floor slamming into the bookshelf. 

The door was closed and a man put a filing cabinet in front of it. The leader smirked looking at the group "Now I've heard what type of club this is, so I don't think you'd mind if my boys had a little fun?" 

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