Chapter Two

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Tengfei still sat on the ground with the bunnies in his lap asleep, as he roughly communicated with the five boys he came to know. Keiichi Akemi was a Third year, eighteen years old and he was the Club President, he was blonde-headed with bright blue eyes. Koushirou Itome another third year also eighteen had blonde hair, small brown eyes that seemed to never be open. Fei kept hearing Keiichi say he was his Boyfriend but Fei didn't want to sound like he mistranslated so he kept silent, he didn't have a problem with gay couples. He himself has had a few experiences with men and woman during trips to brothels. Itsuki Shikatani was the last third year who was also eighteen, he had obsidian hair and deep purple eye that were rimmed with glasses. In the same year as Tengfei was Tamura and Ayato Yuri. Tamura had Blue hair, blue eyes. Yuri, who Fei kept accidentally calling lily due to his lack of Japanese had pink hair and a tongue piercing, he couldn't see what his eyes looked like for the fact he seemed to never take off his sunglasses. 

The group had nick-named Tengfei, Fei. They clearly knew he wasn't catching onto the fact that this club was a sex club. He would come close to it, as pornography photographers, but not sexual servants. Keiichi was adamant that Fei would be a member of his club, since he would surely be a perfect member seeing he looked like a fantasy Chinese emperor "Fei, there are rules in the club" Fei moved the cage to his side putting the bunnies in "Rules. Okay" "You have to have sex with someone within a month okay?" "desire?" he mistranslated. Keiichi was very patient with him since he spoke more than Yuri, and was much more visually appealing "Sex" he said making the finger in hole motion. The club watched as Fei put his index finger in the hole Keiichi made with his hand and then wrap his other fingers around Keiichi's index finger shaking it like a handshake "oh my god he thinks it's a handshake" Tamura placed his hands over his face "You desire me?" the club froze hearing Fei speak. Keiichi also froze feeling his boyfriends stare at him "No, you need to be intimate with other-" "-screw this, move over" Tamura moved Keiichi over sitting where he did. 

He got out his phone going to a translating app "You need to have sex with someone at this school in a month" Fei looked at the phone as it spoke Chinese to him "ah" he brought out his phone speaking Chinese into it before it came out in Japanese "So this is a sex club?" Tamura typed in his phone "Yes, and if you don't have sex with someone in a month. You'll be forced to be in a multiple sex party" Fei blinked thinking of words, Tamura typed again "Well then?" Fei brought up his phone to his mouth smiling as he spoke, he held it out as it began to speak japanese "This school is interesting to have a brothel. I'm interested" Keiichi squealed happily "New member! Yes!" Tamura stood up looking at his club members "that's how you do that" "You're so smart!" Keiichi looked at Fei who looked up from the ground "Are you top or bottom" keiichi held out both hands one above the other "Above" Fei said pointing to the one on top "You're a seme, boy or girl?" keiichi held out both hands equally palms upwards. Fei looked at both before taking both of them putting them together "boy and girl" "Alright, so you're a bisexual seme!" Fei retracted his hands pulling out his phone again, he spoke some Chinese then it translated "Is it just people in this class? How many?" Keiichi took out his own phone typing into the online translator "It can be anyone at this school, teachers are also clients. Are you a virgin" Fei put his phone down in his lap shaking his head, Keiichi's eyes widened in surprise "Really?" "clubs" Fei said going to the photos on his phone of some uni-sex strip clubs showing him the photos. The club gathered around their president looking at the three photos "whoa, so he may seem innocent but he goes to strip clubs" Tamura said typing into his translator "should we set you up with a client?" Fei put the phone into his robe pocket before standing. 

The boys inhaled backing up seeing the giant teenager in front of them, Itome was originally the tallest standing at six foot one. But this beast stood seven inches taller than even him "Holy..." "...shit" Itsuki finished "yes" Fei pulled his hair into a ponytail letting it drop behind him to get it off his shoulders. He gave a bow to the five who just stood there in awe "Total Tachi!" Keiichi smiled. Tachi were the boys who played the role of the tops, putting them in. Riba is the ones who can do either, Nekos are those referred to getting things put in them. After a short briefing, Fei understood that. The members put a photo outside the door of Fei next to their own with his name and Tachi underneath it "Congratulations!" "yay" Fei said having to bend over quite a lot to hold hands with the happy Keiichi. 

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