My Apologies - Haitus Warning

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My lovely audience.

I must say, I did not think this story would gain this many eyes and readers. I do appreciate every one of you who has read up to this point and do like the story. Many of you comment on many hilarious things, with even more so a funny remark which makes me laugh. I never thought I would be a person able to make people laugh, get upset, or share a perverted bond as much as I have seen with the many positively glorious beings such as yourselves. Who read with their souls and comment with their hearts. So many of you - - Are such wonderous humans. 

Yet - - Along with great readers, there also follows some....people who come from the fifth layer of hell with many negative emotions and hateful speeches. 

I have had to deal with many people who wish to throw slurs, degrading nicknames, horrid notes aimed towards me in my Direct Messages.

Those who believe that the Fanfiction which I write is Grotesque and Vile. That is your opinion which you are entitled to, but this is a fanfiction based on a Homosexual Manga [I am going by the Manga to write this story] so if your ideology is based on Homosexuality is a sin - - Firstly, You make me question how you found my story based off of a [Once Again] Explicit Homosexual Manga. Secondly, why even read my work?

In the time I have been logged out of my account dealing with real-world bills, work, and family issues. I come to log back on to see many, many, messages cursing at my person, insulting my writing, insulting me as a human being, and very detailed messages on what they would like to see done to me since I am the author of Not A Bitch. The many people who have done so, you know who you are, and I do plea that you seek guidance that will bring you to better light in your life. 

To shorten this down, I very much will summarize this 'Update'.

I will be labeling this story as on hiatus, I can not say for how long I will be gone, nor if it will be sooner than later. 

Those who have messaged me with inappropriate things will be blocked/removed [But Do Find Counseling].

I do hope anyone who has read this book or has even read the manga itself has not had to deal with downright inhuman treatment due to what they like to read. 



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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