Chapter Eleven

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The classroom bell had rung, the school was officially over for the day. Even, for the week. It was the weekend to rest and enjoy school buildings on the campus grounds. Fei never adventured too far from the dorms in fear of possibly getting lost, but he agreed to himself learn the grounds. 

He gathered his notebook taking it to his locker placing it inside before exchanging his school shoes with his outside shoes. The shoes were the only thing he had to change with his style when he came here "Fei!" The white-haired boy turned to look down slightly to see the newest member Kashima coming closer with Toono behind him "Hello" He greeted the two with a small head bow "Where are you going?" "I wanted to explore the campus" "You haven't explored before?" Fei shook his head. Kashima was bright when he smiled, he was a really kind person. The warmth was similar to the warmth Fei had felt around Baihua "We can explore together! The more the merrier" Fei only nodded since Kashima was already leading the way to a random direction.

Fei wordlessly followed behind Kashima who talked so brightly and openly with Toono about school events coming up their testing. The duel-eyed boys' phone vibrated and he had received a message from his uncle, not really blood-related, but it was a follower of his father who had been by his side since before he was married. The message stated that the fight had officially broken out, for Fei to stay safe until other words were said and to not contact the family for fear of distracting. Fei melded to the back of his mind. Wu and Lou. The two biggest mafia gangs in china. The Lou family was plentiful, had three sons and two daughters. Well, now two sons and two daughters.

Since the eldest son was put to sleep, would be the twin girls. Then the two other sons. That was the thing, they still had four other children. Tengfei was an only child, not that they stopped trying after he was born, but when he was seven his mother was involved in a shooting which luckily she survived but she was shot in the abdomen. It was too severe for repair so they had to take out the womb and cervix, even without saying the people responsible for her severe loss was quickly dealt with by the Wu family lead. Tengfei's father. 

Since then Tengfei was always watched. Overly cared for. Had restrictions which were sometimes rediculous but nonetheless, he obeyed. He wished to stay with his family and fight. He knew how to use a gun. He knew self-defense. He also knew that if ammo were to run out he could lift a car and throw it, something the others couldn't do "i....ei...Fei....Fei!" Tengfei flinched looking up from his phone seeing Toono staring with Kashima waving his had in front of Fei's face "yes?" Kashima leaned back "How do you zone out but can follow people around perfectly?" "I...don't know?" fei slowly placed his phone in his pocket "Well we're here" Kashima announced proudly pointing to the cafe on school grounds. The looked to be quite modern with wide glass windows exposing the semi-empty tables inside "C'mon. I want to see what they have" Kashima led the two inside. There were students that gave them the casual look over, a handful kept staring due to the fact the foreign, handsome tachi names Tengfei was towering in the back.

Toono, Kashima, and Tengfei went to the counter looking at the menu. Coffees, sweets, Teas, and some actual food dishes were labeled "This school is so cool" Kashima mumbled to Toono. Fei looked down between the two, his eyes set on Kashima who was watching Toono look at the menu. Fei could see fondness within Kashima's dark orbs as he just stared at Toono "I don't know what to get, what about you?" Toono looked at Kashima who smiled looking to the menu "How about tea and some cake?" "Alright...Tengfei?" Toono looked over his shoulder and up. 

Fei looked at the green eyes "I'd like to try the caramel latte" "You like coffee?" Fei shrugged "yes, and just a latte is fine" after the tea-drugging incident he didn't feel as if it'd be his first option "Okay, so a latte, two green mate teas. and two slices of the strawberry cake" Kashima said to the man behind the counter after nodded the man swiftly moved through the area avoiding bumping into other workers and he got the right drinks then also brought two slices of the cake.

Fei sat at a booth for four people and Toono and Kashima sat in front of him, side-by-side "Tengfei-san?" fei looked at Toono "Please, call me Fei" Toono nodded before continuing "You seem normal" "Normal?"  "Well..I mean your personality" Fei tilted his head still confused. Toono chuckled awkwardly "I mean everyone in the club seems to" "Oh, about having sex" instantly sex was mentioned Toono's face lit up red "You also partake?" Fei nodded "I thought it was interesting, a school doing such" Toono deflated "so you have already did the club thing?" Fei blinked. 

Toono thought "" "ah, yes, the monthly quota. I've slept with about thirteen? So I'm safe" toono's expression turned into stone. Kashima rose an eyebrow "thirteen? That's alot" "There are nearly two hundred boys here...Have you two done anything?" They both shook their heads. Fei hummed sipping his latte. Placing the cup down he looked at the two "Well, I've never been in an orgy before. So I guess it being with you two will be a first for all of us" "I'm a tachi" Kashima was quick to speak while toono was frozen in fear. Fei gave them both a warm kind smile "I just won't put it in you then" Now kashima froze aswell. They both sat across from Tengfei like stone statues while he sipped his latte.

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