Chapter Seven

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-Beware! Mature Content Ahead-

The man with the scar sat on the couch as the members of the club were in the floor in front of him, behind the couch was the six other men he brought in. The club room. Many of the posters, photos were torn. The rabbits cage was broken and the three rabbits were about the room trying to find new shelter. Baihua was still in the spot she was kicked earlier, her head turned to the couch where she could watch the belittling of her acquaintances "Before we came here, we did some scouting. This club is definitely filthy with sins. Having sex with anything on campus, I knew kids these days were horny, but this is something else" he paused pulling out a dagger looking over it, he ran a finger across the handle which held cursive lettering "and the trust you lot have, drinking something which was unmarked and untraceable? I think it's well to say this was a game fit for the smartest, can't blame others what has happened to you" "And what the hell is that?" Tamura, although in a completely weakened state, still had the ferocious attitude.

The leader smiled wickedly, his inky orbs scanned the room landing on a particular white fuzzy creature "Bring that" a man obeyed going and snatching up the small bunny. He brought it over setting it in his leader lap "Get the other two as well" "Yes sir" the men walked around the room and while the were able to have one, the third one burrowed against the door enough to open it a crack then dart out into and down the hallway. The leader  only clicked his tongue since his men couldn't move the filing cabinet fast enough to get to the rabbit "forget that one" he shook his head looking to tamura "Well you see," he paused seeing the name tag and caressing the small fluffy creature "Tamura-san, we were sent here to convey a message" getting up from the couch the leader went to the group of boys and placed the bunny on the floor in front of them, mainly their knees since they were half propped up on the other couch.

The boys didn't understand, who was this man, why was he here, what did Fei have to do with them? The leader placed his shoe on the rabbit, trapping the bunny under his shoe. It squirmed widely, wiggling it's front paws "And what we plan to do?" slowly pressing down the tip of his shoe, the rabbit began screaming in pain "Stop! You're hurting him!" Keiichi screamed. Loud squeals erupted from the white furball, crunching of the rib cage bones were intertwined with the screaming.

The rabbit the men held began to kick and grunt hearing his brother be tortured, it knew the same fate was to be put into him aswell "What's fucking wrong with you?! God damn it, stop!" Tamura shouted his eyes matched everyone else's - - fear, horror, and sickness. Fei was so kind hearted, he greeted them with a smile, tried hard to learn their language, obeyed anything his senpais would instruct him on. The screams of the flailing bunny etched into their brains "aren't friends of Tengfei meant to be strong?" He stomped his shoe down. A loud crunching with squishing was heard along with the final long drawn out squeal of the bunny which was semi-muffled by it gurgling on its own blood "Quite weak you all are" How could Fei, that precious soul, know these vile humans?

Itsuki felt like he was going to throw up, they all did. Each were pale as a sheet of paper "Don't go fainting now, there's still lots more of fun" the white furball was white no more, it was squished into the wooden floors. The white fur drenched in it's thick red juices "But if you're really good boys" the boss held out his hand and he was handed the other rabbit who was squirming for freedom. The man grabbed it's body with one hand, and the head with the other "I'll let you leave easily" he twisted his hands in opposite directions from one another and a crack was heard.

He dropped the white figure next to it's brother. The bunnys nerves caused it to kick and thrash around making thudding noises when each hind leg kicked against the wooden floors.

Keiichi closed his eyes, it was too gruesome of a scene for him to want to see. But when he closed his eyes it still played again and again "Now, now. Don't go closing those pretty eyes of yours. The real fun has yet to begin" keiichis eyes jolted open when his ankle was grabbed and he was yanked to the leaders kneeling self "you have a cute face, let's see if you know how to use those lips" he stood nodding to his men. They each held a eager smiles. While the leader walked back to his couch to watch the scene, the men moved past the couch grabbing the boys at random.

The docile Yuri, clearly due to the fact he drank five cups of drugged tea, hand two men already undoing their pants. Itsuki whos face shriveled when another man began to lift off his shirt. Two held down a certain blue haired boy "don't fucking touch me! Get your god damn hands off of me, you fucks!" Tamura cussed but his head was slammed down by one of the men while the other grabbed his belt picking up his ass putting him on his elbows and knees. For Keiichi, something prodded his cheek, he looked to see a man had already had his cock out and was brushing it against his cheek. His blue eyes held nothing but disgust, which quickly shifted to horror seeing Itome, his cute boyfriend. His pants and boxers were pulled down to his knees, he was pulled to sit in a man's lap and the man's dick was placed between the blondes thighs using them as a masterbation tool.

"Stop! What the he-" his sentence was cut off by the man plunging his dick deep down keiichis throat nearly causing him to vomit, the man gripped the blondes hair moving the skull back and forth.  Keiichi gagged on the object in his esophagus, when the man did pull out he gasped for air going to cuss the man but once again his cock was implanted into his throat ceasing all verbal responses.

The leader looked around the room seeing one figure left unattended "Tranny whore" Bais eyes locked onto the leader, vivid hatred radiated within them. He smirked at her pissed orbs, standing he was kneeling beside her. He grabbed a fistful of her hair pulling her up to face him "too bad you don't have the right holes in looking for" he brought out his knife looking from the blade to her "But I can always make new ones" "you're dead" he laughed throwing her the the center of the room where all the indecent acts were about to be committed "No, but after this you'll be" he walked over standing above her. He reached his hand high with the knife and brought it down to her thigh. She screamed briefly but bit back her cries "not one to scream? We'll see about that" he added two more stabs near her outer thigh.

"Gege!" Baihua screamed. Her voice cracked bouncing off the walls.

Then the loudest bang caused the room to shake, the filing cabinet flung across the room shattering the window and going outside. The sliding door was flat against the ground under a very pissed Tengfeis shoes "You're fucking dead" Bai reminded the man who had a blade buried into her thigh.

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