Chapter Ten

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(A/N: I deeply apologize for not updating. For reasons, I had to factory reset my phone and I was logged out of my Wattpad account to which I didn't remember my password to my account [or any other app/website/accounts I use] so I had to reset my password via email, and any chapters I did write were on my phones' note-pad which was lost after the reset. Here is my apology with an over 3000-word chapter.)

"Mr. Tengfei, the task is currently completed" "Reactions?" Fei held his cellphone close to his ear. He sat in his dorm room on his bed. His dorm room was normal, simple bed, work desk with a laptop, a bookshelf with some Japanese language books, and to top it off. Various instruments placed around his room for random use "mother and sister siblings broke down, the brothers and father naturally held a rage-induced expression. I'll have men posted to keep watch that they will not try to move" "I think they have learned, don't keep a close eye on the parents but always know the location of the kids. They'll come in useful." "Yes, sir" hanging up Fei fell back onto the matress his silver-ish hair pooling around his head. Fei had purposely requested a week withdrawal from school but have his studies sent to his laptop to work on. The club members face flashed into his head "damn" Fei covered his eyes with his arm sighing, always being told to not care for outsiders.

 They aren't anything but shields. They aren't family. They are just there to be used.

Fei rolled over on his stomach planting his face in his pillow, there was a knock at the door but fei remained silent and unmoving. He definitely didn't wish to be bothered by boys wanting to hook up right now, there were more than a handful of boys stopping by. Fei just ignored the knocking. IT was an hour before school started, surely they would leave to go soon. He pulled big Bluetooth headphones on putting music letting it practically vibrate his skull. 

He hated to admit it. A mafia member dared to care for outsiders, he saw the look in their eyes when they were being treated, they held such caution in the eyes towards Fei. He knew why, they didn't know what his family was. What he was.

There was pressure on his lower back and he lifted his head in time for the headphones to be taken off his head "how long are you going to be in here?" To Fei's surprise, it was the neko of the club. Itsuki. He was neatly cleaned, wearing his school uniform. Ready to go to school but he stopped by Tengfei's dorm room before ethe day. The obsidian haired boy sat at the corner on the bed watching behind his glasses as Fei rolled on his side looking at him curiously "you do know you still have to fill the quota of the month and participate in club activities" Fei sat up and could see itsuki tense, Fei froze before giving him most of the space on the bed "you're cautious" Itsuki shrugged "Everyone seems to be more on edge" "that is to be expected after what happened to them-" "are you blaming yourself?" Fei sat with his legs off the bed touching the floor.

The silence was enough for Itsuki to conclude the answer "how do you know those people" "I don't know know them" "what's that mean?" Fei shook his head. He still wanted the possibility of them being friends with them. He highly doubted that would continue if they knew his family was the most ruthless, bloodthirsty, and scummy in china. It is just a family business. A very lonely family business "the others are still wondering when you're coming back, its been quite and we're preparing for the new semester where transfers will transfer in. As a member you need to be in the club not only to help prepare for their arrival but to greet them" "About the club" he stood going to his desk sliding a paper from the drawer, he did want to protect the boys, and it would be easier to protect them at a distance.

He held the paper Club Withdrawal Request was written at the top, all it needed was the club presidents signature and the sponsored teachers signature, it was snatched from his fingers and itsuki looked at it adjusting his glasses "you want to leave the club?" "You show fear when I move, they will too" "you aren't like them" "you do not know that" Fei mumbled in Chinese.

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