The Words Between Lovers

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   He was standing in front of Remus, mouth open, to say he loved him.
    "I heard you that night. In the shack. I- I was awake." Remus interrupted him before he could get a word out.
     "Oh. Yeah. Well I. I- uhh. I don't have a defens- Rem, I meant what I said. I meant every single word and I'm not going to take it back. I love you. I love you so much and I have since fourth year," Sirius spit of all out in one breath and then waited for Remus to respond in some way. A blush or a jaw dropping, a step backwards or anything that would've told Sirius that the taller boy had heard a word he had just said. Instead, Remus just looked stunned. He stood there perfectly still, eyes slightly widened, mouth open just a little.
      "Good. Because I love you too."
   And then Remus grabbed Sirius by his jaw and pulled his mouth to his own. It took half a second for Sirius to register what was just said and what was happening. Then he leaned into Remus, wrapped his arms around his neck and let his hands find the boy's soft hair, tugging ever so slightly. Remus' arms found themselves on Sirius' waist, pulling them closer than should be possible. Soft moans escaped both of the boys' mouths as tongues explored.
     Any other student that happened to be anywhere in earshot quickly stood and left them be alone with their newly professed feelings. No thoughts circled the boys' minds. Only the fact that they were kissing and in love. Nothing else mattered right now and it never would again. The war brewing outside of the castle walls couldn't touch them, couldn't taint why they had just discovered.
    After a few very long moments, they broke apart for air. Wild golden eyes met blown out grey ones with only an inch or two of space between them. The electricity in the air made the hairs on Sirius' neck stand on end. Remus was breathing so hard that each time his chest moved up, it touched Sirius'.
     "So, you love me too, huh? Make it official with a date?"
      Sirius was surprised to hear these cocky words from Remus, especially when he punctuated the question with a sly smirk. "I'd love that, Rem."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That night was more awkward than either of the boys had suspected. The normal not really all the subtle glances continued, but each time their eyes met no smile was exchanged. Instead they both looked away as fast as they could turn their heads. James knew something was up between his brother and his best friend, but couldn't put his finger on it. Lily sat next to James while they did an essay for Slughorn.
   "Hey Potter, you're father is Fleamont Potter, the famous potion inventor, right?"
     James' head snapped back to the redhead beside him, "What? Oh, uh, yeah that's right. Why do you ask, Evans?"
    Lily rolled her eyes, "Because one might think that the son of a Potions Master would be better about doing the homework assignment for potions class. What on earth has got your wand in such a knot, James?"
     "Moony and Padfoot. They can't look at each other for more than two sec- hang on. Did you just call me James, Evans? You've never done that before."
       "W-what? I'm sure i don't what you're talking about. I've called you by first name before, Potter. This isn't special. It's not- not like it means anything," Lily managed to stammer out quieter than she really meant to, "And what about them? They kissed earlier in the library, I'm sure they had some kind of confrontation or confession with each other. They're acting like people with feelings for each other, but aren't ready to have other people know yet. Wait. You did- you did know about the kiss, right?"
    James' jaw dropped and it took Lily putting her hand on his cheek, in what he was sure was supposed to be a slap, to break him from his surprise. He straightened his posture, "I absolutely did not know about the kiss! Wait, was this when Siri was running around the castle and nearly knocked me out?!" A wave of realisation washed over him, "He said he was looking for Remus. That's why he looked so happy. He finally got a kiss from the bloke he fancies."
    "Wait you knew he fancies someone, but didn't know it was your best mate? You share a dormitory, how could you not know?!"  At this the entire common room, including Remus and Sirius, turned their heads at the yelling redhead and somewhat stunned Indian boy.
   "Uhh. We're uh. We're, uh, running lines, yeah. For a play that Dumbledore is putting on for the- uh Halloween Feast," he then whispered to Lily, "that made sense right? Oh bloody hell are we gonna have to do that now?" Everyone turned around, apparently satisfied with this ridiculous excuse. Remus eyed lily for a second longer and Sirius did the same to James, but then went back to avoiding each other's eye contact while still trying to look at each other.
    A few hours later, most of the common room was already empty, Remus practically slammed his book closed and loudly announced, "I am going to bed now," his on Sirius the whole time, trying to signal that he should follow him up the stairs. Apparently Sirius got the message because when Remus was half way up the tall steps, he stood and began to follow rather quickly.
      "Hey Pads, how was your day," Remus asked once they were in the dorm. They each sat on their own bed, but faced each other. A smile made its way on Remus' face as a blush spread across Sirius' pale skin.
     "Best of my life, your doing I hope you know. Was yours as well, magical?" Sirius started to twirl his thumbs around each other and stared at his hands waiting for Remus' reply.
   "Yes it was, as you said, magical. The library was-"
    "Listen I know we said a bunch of stuff at the Black Lake, but if you want to, I don't know, take it back or something. Look, that'd be okay. I'd be okay with that. We'd-," Sirius was cut off by a pair of rough, chapped lips on his. His back hit the bed and he felt hands holding the other boy on top sink into the mattress by his head.
      Remus pulled away and looked into his eyes and said, "I will never regret a thing i said today. I meant it when i said I love you. Because, Sirius Orion Black-Potter, I am completely and totally in love with you."
      With this Sirius grabbed the back of his neck and crashed his lips onto his. Then they heard the door creak open and they jumped apart too fast to not arouse suspicion.
     "Hey guys, what uh. What's going on?"


Y'all!!! I hit 1174 words! I'm v proud of myself. Didn't think this was gonna get passed like 600 words, but i was so wrong! Anyway i hope all of you are happy and staying safe this holiday season (when I'm writing this) and that none of your families are being dicks.


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