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Remus woke up to sound of Madam Pomfrey laughing quietly by the door to her office, apparently at him. He looked down and saw the boy that had confessed his love for him still peacefully asleep on his chest, an arm around Remus' torso. Remus sighed and bent down just enough to kiss the top of Sirius Black's head, after, of course, Pomfrey had retired back into her office.
'Sirius Black loves me', he thought. Remus smiled a small, private smile, that, he decided right then, only Sirius would see. He thought over what he could remember of the night before.


At about eight thirty, Madam Pomfrey snuck him out of the castle, through the secret tunnel underneath the Whomping Willow, and into the Shrieking Shack. As soon as Pomfrey was gone, a little mouse, a fairly large black dog, and a stag whose antlers were just starting to come in, had appeared in the doorway.
The dog rushed over to him and licked his face.
"Ugh, Sirius! What was that for?!", Remus had said, though much louder than he had originally intended. The dog backed up a bit, but Remus had reached out and stopped Sirius from going too far. And then the moonlight hit him. And everything went black.

When he awoke once again, he was now upstairs and in someone's arms. Afraid to open his eyes, Remus focused on the voice of the person holding him. 'It's Sirius!', Remus thought happily, 'he stayed with me.' The happy feeling that had washed over him was short lived when something warm and wet hit his cheek. He very quickly realised that Sirius was crying. After a quick mental scan of his body, Remus could tell that his left arm was badly injured and that he had several new scratches on his face and chest. Then he heard what Sirius was saying, "... time to pull you into a few broom cupboards in between classes. I thought that I would have more time. I'm sorry i didn't tell you when we still had time. Re- moony- R emus I love you. So much. And I can't have you die before I hear you say it back to me. Re please."
Remus didn't know what to do except relax into the boys arms and let what he had just heard sink in. Sirius Black, the wizard he had been in love with since their third year, loved him back. All of the sudden he heard Madam Pomfrey headed up the stairs, and he felt Sirius set him carefully on the ground. The next thing he knew, he was being pulled out of a dream by knocking at the hospital door.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Remus put his hand back into Sirius' hair and began to weave his fingers in and out, enjoying the feeling of the soft hair that was on top of the boy he loved.
He felt Sirius begin to stir and stopped the motion of his hands. Much to his surprise and delight, Sirius moved his head a bit to get Remus to continue finger-combing his hair. Remus smiled that small, private smile once again and this time, well this time Sirius saw it.
It was at this point that Remus had a very important decision make; should he tell Sirius that he had heard Sirius telling him that he loved him, or should he wait? Remus didn't know what to do and instead asked Sirius, "Did you sleep okay?"
He said those four words and felt so, completely and utterly stupid. Sirius, however didn't notice and answered, sleepily, with, "Better here with you than in your bed in the room."
Sirius seemed to have realised what he had just said because his cheeks and ears were now sporting a very pretty shade of pink. Remus, being the kind friend he is, continued with, "Well I'm glad you finally got some sleep, but we really should get back to the dorm and work on that essay for Binns."
Sirius groaned and mumbled a complaint that Remus couldn't quite hear, and rolled off the cramped hospital bed. Remus started to get up when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, just over his heart, and collapsed back on the bed.
"Remus! Madam Pomfrey, Madam Pomfrey! It's Remus! He's collapsed!", Sirius yelled to the closed office door across the hall. Madam Pomfrey emerged within seconds and rushed over to Remus, who was not having a very good time at the moment.
"Chest. My- my chest," he said shakily. Pomfrey took off the bandages that, Sirius had just noticed, were acting as Remus' shirt. There were a few light scratches on his chest, but that's not what made Sirius' mouth open in a silent scream. A few centimetres above his heart was the deepest cut Remus had ever sustained during a full moon. Madam Pomfrey took a bottle from the bedside table and dropped a few drops of the yellow-ish liquid on the mark, and Remus screamed. He screamed so loud that Sirius had to cover his ears as a few tears streamed from his eyes. The long, red cut on his chest began to sort of steam and Remus began to relax.
"What- what was that?", Remus asked out of breath.
L "A rather complicated healing draught, dear. You'll need to either stay here the rest of the week, or if you really want to, you can simply come back every morning after breakfast and evening after dinner", Pomfrey said with a slight smirk in Sirius' direction, "other than this cut and the ones on your shoulder, you're perfectly fine."
Remus smiled and nodded his head, like that answered her question, and hopped out of bed. Pomfrey shook her head and walked back to her office to give the boys some privacy. Sirius still looked as though he would not be able to walk. Apparently the sight of Remus' bare chest was too much for his lovesick eyes. Remus saw the reaction and quickly covered up whole trying to hide the red spreading across his face.
"We should probably go to the library. That essay for Binns is supposed to be like a foot and a half." And with that Sirius followed Remus out of the Hospital Wing and down the winding corridors of Hogwarts.

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