The Library Fiasco

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The walk to the library was interesting to say the least. Sirius had not forgotten what he had said to Remus in the Shrieking Shack, and neither had Remus. There were awkward glances from both parties every few seconds and occasionally they would lock eyes and turn as red as their house's crest. Once, while Sirius was staring at Remus, he walked into what must've been a first year. Remus laughed much louder than he had meant to when this happened. They finally got to the library and went to the back left corner, which they had dubbed 'their spot' in their first year. Sirius was glad neither James nor Peter was studying today, that meant he had the whole afternoon with Remus all to himself.
Remus had mixed feeling about the day. Obviously, he was quite excited to spend time alone with Sirius, but he still wasn't sure if he should tell Sirius about what he had heard last night. On one hand, Remus loved Sirius and really wanted to have a relationship with him. On the other, however, it could ruin everything good about them and the Marauders friendship. What if they broke up? What if James and Peter didn't like the fact that they wanted each other? There were too many variables in Remus' head.
They sat down next to each other, they both, silently, decided that they wouldn't move their touching legs.
"Books", Remus said suddenly, "we need books. I'll- I'll go get some." He walked past a few book cases, leaving Sirius alone, confused, and very tired.
'You're being crazy. There's no way he heard you. No way. He was unconscious. That's why you said it', thought Sirius as he bounced his right leg under the table. He stood to pace by a shelf, and walked right into to Remus, who was carrying an armful of very large books on the Giant Wars.
"Pads! What the hell, are you okay", Remus looked less annoyed than Sirius thought he should and responded by leaning down to pick up the books. Remus went for them at the same time and their hands touched while grabbing the same volume. Remus stared at his hand atop Sirius' and Luther looked up to find the hand's owner staring right into his eyes. The boys stood in perfect time with each other, hands now clasped together. Remus pulled Sirius to him very quickly. There was no time for any thoughts to cross anyone's mind.
All of the sudden they were kissing. And Sirius thought he might explode or float away or simply never stop kissing this boy. He pulled Remus closer by his belt loops, so that there was no space between them. In response, Remus pushed Sirius against the nearest book shelf and moved his lips down to his jaw line. Sirius leaned his head back against the books to give Remus more access, accidentally letting out a moan in the process. Remus looked him dead in the eye, smiled, and then started sucking and biting on the skin just below his ear; eliciting a louder moan from Sirius. Remus stepped forward again, putting his legs on either side of Sirius', and moved back to the shorter boy's mouth. One of Sirius' hands made it way into Remus' hair and the other was touching the very small strip of skin that was visible under Remus' sweater. Remus moved forward more, but there was no where else to go. The shelf behind Sirius began to tip, not that either boy noticed. The shelf fell with a very loud THUD! Sirius jumped and Remus looked up at what they had caused. The next shelf over was now leaning back, then that one fell. It took about 15 minutes, but when it was all over, nearly ever shelf in the library was on the ground and surrounded by books that were bent at odd angles.
Both boys were tomato red at the sight of what they had caused. Then they looked at each other. And suddenly Remus just had to go help clean up and Sirius simply dashed out of the library without bothering to get the things he had brought.

Hi!! It's been three chapters and I've never introduced myself. My name is L. I'm 16. My pronouns are She/They. And I'm so glad you decided to read my first story! I'm not totally sure of these chapters are going out one at a time or if they'll be published when I'm done with the whole thing. I'm new to writing on Wattpad and I'm using my phone instead of my laptop, so bear with me. Wolfstar is my favourite HP ship and I've been wrestling with writing fanfic for about a year now (currently dec 2020) and i just decided to go for it. Anyway, i know this is a shorter chapter but there is more to come for these two, make no mistake!

Also, if you want to listen to the playlist that i listen to while writing, that kind of inspired some of these scenes and chapters, Check out my Spotify! I'll try to put the link, but if it doesn't work; the playlist is called The Marauders. Anyways, have a good day, week, month, year, and life!

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