The First Full Moon

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'Sixth year', thought Sirius, 'everything is going to be okay because it's our sixth year and we deserve a break.' The four marauders had made it through two weeks of schools and had already lost Gryffindor forty points! To be fair, they were caught three separate times sneaking into the kitchens after hours by Filch. Sirius sat on his bed and tried to tally in his head how much homework he needed to do during the afternoon, but instead only one thing came running through his thoughts. Remus Lupin. Remus Lupin was a shy boy before you got to know him, he had sandy blond hair, honey coloured eyes, and so many scars scattered across his body. Sirius, of course, thought these scars were wildly attractive.

Equally as wild was how he got these scars. Remus was a werewolf. And very ashamed of that fact. Only the teachers at Hogwarts and his beast friends knew this about him. Tonight was the first full moon of the term and Sirius was dreading it, but also very excited to get to run around the forest as a large black dog. James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew were Remus' best friends who had become unregistered animagus' last year, so they could be with him during the transformation. Before the transformation, it was Sirius' self-appointed job to do anything and help Remus in anyway he possibly could. With a final thought of Remus, Sirius dashed down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That night had been rough. James and Peter, exhausted, headed back up to the castle as soon as Remus was his own lanky self again. Sirius, however stayed. Determined to no leave a bleeding Remus by himself, Sirius sat on the floor  of the second story of the Shrieking Shack with tears streaming down his face. 'Remus isn't doing too good but Madam Pomfrey should be along any moment now', Sirius thought.
After a long while, Sirius shift a little and  began,"I can't believe I waited this long. I thought I'd have more time. Time that I'd use to take you to hogsmsade for chocolate runs, and to the astronomy tower for star gazing, and,"  he laughed a bit, " time to pull you into a few broom cupboards in between classes. I thought that i would have more time. I'm sorry I didn't tell you when we still had time. Re- moony- R emus I love you. So much. And I can't have you die before i hear you say it back to me." He felt Remus relax in his arms, "Re please."
He heard Madam Pomfrey calling from downstairs, "Mr. Lupin? Mr. Lupin are you alright? Where are you?"
Sirius dries his tears with his free hand and calls back, in a very poor Remus impression, "I- I'm up here. Please hurry. I feel v-very weak...".
He lets his words deal off like Remus had fainted and scurried down the secret way downstairs that he, Sirius, had built for an occasion exactly like this.  Sirius ran back to the castle under the cover of James' invisibility cloak that was left in the shack in case Sirius, once again, could not bring himself to leave Remus alone.
Once back in the common room, he slipped into Remus' bed and tried to rub the image of Remus covered in new scratches and blood from the back of his eyelids, in the hopes he could get at least an hour of sleep before breakfast.
He awoke with a start and, for a moment, had forgotten that Remus, his Remus, was in the hospital and not in bed next to him like he was on any other given Sunday morning.  Sirius looked around the, admittedly, disaster of a dormitory room and saw that James and Peter were still fast asleep. 'Seems 'bout right for them', Sirius thought as he rolled out of bed to dress.
Within 15 minutes, Sirius was dressed, had been to the Great Hall to collect a suitable breakfast for Remus and himself, and was standing outside of the Hospital Wing waiting for Pomfrey to allow him to see his best friend.

Sirius knocked on the door for a fourth time and jumped back when the door opened very quickly, revealing a disheveled and tired looking Remus Lupin. Sirius' smile was so wide, one may have thought that a fault line in his face had split. He jumped forward and wrapped his arms around the much taller boy's torso and only loosened his grip when he heard Remus grunt a bit in pain.
"Sorry", Sirius muttered, before much louder stating," I brought you breakfast! Thought you might like some toast and bacon, oh! And I have some of your favourite chocolate in my pocket for you."

It was now Remus' turn to crack a large toothy grin. Sirius thought he might explode at the sight of how utterly gorgeous Remus Lupin was. His sandy blond hair was catching the rays of the morning sun so perfectly that they looked like string of the finest gold. His honey eyes were bright with happiness at the visit and gifts of Sirius Black. His left arm was in a sling, after having sustained a very deep scratch, but it simply made it easier for Sirius to insist that he must now carry Remus' books to and from classes.

Sirius carried the food into the large room and set them on the table by on if the many plain white sheeted beds. Remus moved a few pillows, so that he could sit up on the bed, and patted beside him. Sirius immediately got the message and practically snuggled against Remus in the much too small bed. Neither boy cared that they were now too large to do this. Remus used his right hand to lace his long, scarred fingers through Sirius' signature long, jet black locks as Sirius fed Remus the chocolate he had brought.

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