The Aftermath

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Sirius ran. He ran faster than he had ever ran before. He wasn't sure where he was going, but before he knew what was happening he was at the Black Lake. Finally stopping to sit down, his mind went through what had just happened.
'I kissed Moony. He kissed me back. Oh. Oh my Merlin. We kissed. What the hell is gonna happen now?'
He sighed out loud, gaining the attention of a young Miss Evans that happened to be walking by. Lily had slowly been warming up to James; and by extension the rest of the Marauders as well. She walked over and sat next to a very confused looking Sirius.
"What happened to you, Black?"
"The greatest moment of my life."
He proceeded to tell her everything that had happened in the last twenty four hours (excluding the fact that Remus was a werewolf, of course), "and that Lily Flower, is what happened to me", he finished out of breath. Lily was holding back a squeal, only to let it loose as soon as Sirius closed his mouth.
"It really took you two long enough! Peter owes me three sickles now, ha," Lily said, with a huge smile on her freckled face. Her long red hair was tied in a pony tail, but it still hit her mid back.
'Bet James likes how long it is', Sirius thought and then immediately felt bad about it. But it everything was more ok than it had been. He had told someone. That someone, Lily, was okay with him feeling this way about Remus.
"Wait. Did you say Peter owes you three sickles?"
"Yeah. And James owes me a galleon. We've all had a running bet on when you two would finally get together. I bet this term, Peter said after the Christmas holidays, and James said either over the summer or next year entirely. Why?"
"Because.. well because we aren't together, technically. I don't think. I mean. I want to be. I really really want to be with him, but he just kissed me. We didn't talk. We knocked the shelves over and he started cleaning up and i, oh no. Fuck. I just ran. He's gonna think i think it was a mistake," he sat back down. He felt faint. It was just now hitting him how his actions seemed. "I have to go find Moony. Now.
And with that he ran back into the castle.
He swore he had never run this much as a human. Physical activity was typically reserved for full moons when he'd be running around the forest trying to control a werewolf. But this was more important, at the moment.
He went to the library first, only to find the shelves were back up and all of the books were in their rightful place. He dashed off again, intent on going to the dormitory to look for Remus. He was going so fast he didn't see the tall, black-headed boy going straight for him. James Potter was knocked to the ground by his best friend, who was apparently running for his life.
"Sorry Jamsie, can't stay, have to find Moons," Sirius panted out.
"Padfoot! Oy, Moony's looking for you too. Go to the Black Lake, that's where he was headed when i saw him about two minutes ago," James laughed out. The boy stood up and was suddenly much taller than Sirius. Almost a foot, one would probably guess.
"Thanks Prongs! Oh, and you and Wormy are about to owe Evans some money i hear", Sirius yelled back as he sped off back towards the Black Lake.
He was a little ways away from the lake, but he could see Remus' outline in the afternoon sun. 'This is it. This is your chance to actually tell him how feel. That what happened in the library wasn't a mistake. That they were meant to be together', Sirius walked toward the lake, attempting to keep his head held high. He was standing in front of Moony, opening his mouth to say he loved him.


I'm so sorry. I had to. It was too tempting. I don't have a posting schedule yet, so let me know when you guys would like to see new chapters. I'm going to try to get a whole bunch written over my winter break. And then I'll post them on the schedule. As always please vote, comment, tell your friends, add to your public reading lists. Have a lovely day or night whenever you're reading this.

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