What The Hell Are You Doing In Here

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"Hey guys, what uh. What's going on...?"
Remus jumped back so fast his back hit a bed post and Sirius' face was red from both embarrassment and a slight head rush.
"Hey there," Remus backed into a nightstand this time, "Pete. What are you doing in here?"
"What am I doing in here? What- what the hell are you doing in here?"
"Well, my dear Wormtail, we were- we were uh, Wrestling!!," Sirius blurted out. "Yes wrestling, and thank goodness you showed up when you did. Moony over here had me pinned! Can you imagine that? Me, pinned down by Remus. Anyway thank you, now you may leave." He continued as he moved to the door. He pushed Peter out of the room and locked the door behind him.
"Well glad that's all-"
"Sirius! Are you kidding me? The door wasn't locked before? Wrestling?! What the fuck? Peter walked in on us like- like we just were and you're smiling?! Like this is funny! I'm not laughing, what are we going to do? What if he tells James or anyone else or oh god. What if this gets back to my parents or, fuck, what if Regulas tells Orion and Walnurga?"
Sirius flinched at his parents names, but other wise understood what Remus was so worried about. He had been so caught up in his own happiness, he hadn't had time to think about everything that could go wrong.
"Rem. What are we going to do?"


I'm so so sorry for the short chapter and the irregular posting. Worst author ever over here. But i have things planned and in the drafts so watch out for those. Hope you liked this, i had fun writing it. Love you guys!!

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