Fucking Hell, James

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    "Well first of all, we are going to relax for five damn minutes, dear Moony," Sirius said, flopping down on the soft, red duvet cover. Remus walked over to him and cupped his face, that was suddenly very red, and looked deep into the raven haired boy's eyes.  
   "Okay. Yeah you're right," Remus said pulling Sirius up towards him, "we should relax. Maybe start back up where we left off?" A smirk formed on his scarred and slightly clapped lips.

     Sirius was now on his back, slightly out of breath with Remus kissing a spot on his neck. The spot in question was a place Sirius wanted a tattoo and had told Remus such in third year. A moan escaped his lips as Remus sucked harder, no doubt trying to leave a mark. With just enough brain cells still functioning, he managed to reach over for his wand and lock the dormitory door. His last thought before everything was consumed by Remus was, 'When did my pants come off?'

(Lily's POV)

     Peter came running down from the dormitory, probably to report back to Potter. Potter. He makes me crazy, his stupid glasses, what his hair looks like after quidditch, how much he makes me laugh. Yeah, I really am crazy for him.
    "Oi! Evans!," I'm broken out if trance, "Like what you see?" Potter apparently had noticed my staring and was now doing a ridiculous little dance with his eyebrows.
     "In fact I do. Maybe turn around, take your shirt off, y'know give me a proper show," I said, trying as hard as i could to keep a straight face. Almost immediately after saying this James was on his feet and walking towards me, a sweet smile on his face.
   I'm pulled in for a hug and I inhale the scent. Chocolate chip cookies and his Silver Arrow broom. I can't explain it, but even the way he smells makes me feel safe and happy and loved. I feel his breath by my ear, "Be careful what you wish for, Darling," and suddenly I was being carried in his arms to the stairs to my own dormitory. I laugh and kick my legs, and, having more sense than James, i roll out of his arms before the stairs magically turn into a slide and thrown him back down into the common room.
    "One day," James states in his newly deep voice, "I'll figure out how to get past that damned charm and carry you up those stairs and have my way with you!"
    "Sure you will James. And let's hope it's soon too, as we aren't prefects and don't have access to the private bathroom with the huge tub," I laugh, rolling my eyes. The dumbfounded look on poor Potter's face was too adorable not to go up and kiss.
    I turn to Peter now, who i had almost forgotten was there, "What made you come running down the stairs?"
      "Oh! Well- uh-"
      "Spit it out there, Wormtail."
      "Right, it was Padf- Sirius," he said looking at me, he knows how ridiculous I think the nicknames are, mostly because they won't tell me what they mean, "And Remus were- well they said they were wrestling. It was quite funny now i think of it. And get this! Remus had Sirius pinned! Pinned on the bed! I can't believe he was actually winning, can you?"
     My eyes widened. I turned to James and saw the same thing. Apparently he knew about the kiss in the library too. He shook his head discreetly as if to tell me not to tell Peter. I nodded back and turned to Peter.
      "Why'd you go up there anyway? Usually all four of you are down here in the afternoons."
     "Well, Pr- James sent me to go check on them because they weren't down here with us."
      Right as i turn to scold James, Mary MacDonald burst through the portrait hole entrance. "Peter! Peter, I have a huge essay, fourteen inches long, due tomorrow morning in Astronomy and I heard you were excellent in it! Will you pretty please help me?"
     Peter's face turned a bright rose red as he answered, "Sure- sure thing M- Mary. I uh- I'd love to help you."
    And with that, the two scurried off to the library to work on Mary's paper.
    "Shall we away, my dear, to the prefect's bathroom then?"
    "Fucking hell, James?"
     "What- what I'd do?"
     "You sent Peter up there when you know about Sirius and Remus! When you knew they were probably doing something that they are not ready for everyone to know about? What on Earth are you thinking?"
     He just stood there for a moment. I truly didn't mean to yell at him. I never have before. It just kinda came out louder than I meant it to.
    "Lily, you know i would never do that to them. Not intentionally. Honestly, I kinda forgot. I just noticed they weren't here and sent Peter to see if something was wrong. It didn't even occur to me that they would've been- um- busy. Wait how do you know about them?"
    "Well it's quite obvious don't you think," I sat down with this because I knew it would irk him a bit, "also, Remus told me about what happened a few days ago. Sirius told you I assume."
   James was now sat in on a loveseat near me, "You are always right, Lily-Flower, part of why I love you," he froze at this. We had never said that to each other. I mean, that's how i feel and how i assumed he felt. It was just never voiced.
    "You- I just said that. I'm so sorry. I didn't want to say it. Not like this. I mean it, I do love you. So much. I was just planning something special next week, so I could tell you properly."
    "Oi! James, dear! How are you this fine afternoon," apparently Sirius was coming down the stairs and had not heard what we were talking about.
    His hair was messy. I had never seen his hair messy before, and his shirt was buttoned wrong at the bottom. 'Oh my god,' I thought, 'they had sex!'
     "Right, well, I'll let you two talk. Tell Remus that I'll be by the lake. Good bye," and I walked out of the common room still processing what James just said.


Woah! Two chapters in a day? Crazy right? Something i am going to point out in case anyone asks, I'll not be writing straight up smut. Leading up to it? Definitely. Afterwards? Certainly. But one) i am seventeen and it would just make me feel awkward if i knew strangers on the internet were reading sex scenes i wrote, and two) i don't really know how as i have never... well you know. It simply wouldn't feel right and read authentically. So you'll get a lot of lead ups and then a time skip or a 'meanwhile' like with this chapter. So, sorry for the lack of smut. Have a good day, week, year, and life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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