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I am back with yet another Ramayan quiz!

Hope you enjoy❤❤

1. Name Mandodari's parents.

2. After Lakshman falls unconscious in the war, he is revived by a certain herb called Sanjeevani. Who tells Ram that Sanjeevani alone can revive Lakshman?

3. Who were entrusted the responsibility of building the bridge to Lanka?

4. When Ram and company go in search of Sita, hanuman crosses an ocean to reach Lanka, the kingdom of Ravan, in one giant leap. However, before taking the giant leap, Hanuman was unaware of his own capabilities. Who informs Hanuman that he is indeed capable of jumping over the ocean.

5.According to the Skanda Purana, before becoming a great poet and sage, Valmiki used to live as a ___________.

6. Which woman got her curse cured by the touch of the holy feet of Sri Ram?

7. What is the name of Ravan's chariot which could fly through air?

8. What was the name of Jatayu's brother ?

9. Who was Vali's son?

10. Sri Ram was born on which Nakshatra?


That's all for today guyzz !

Please do tell me if the questions are easy or boring so that I can improve it..


P.S - Don't think twice for spamming my comment section! I love just to read your comments💖😍

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