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Greeting everyone!

Let's check the answers of the part 3 of mahabharat quiz 😁

1. Ghandivdaari Arjuna

2. Sairaindri

3. Sindhu Naresh Jayadratha

4. Pawan putr Hanuman

5. Ganga putr Bhishma

6. Madra raaj Shalya

7. Barbareek

8. Shiva

9. Kanha priye Rukmini

10. Chitrangad 


I must accept that you guys are really smart! Young generations are getting better!🤭

There is soo many things that elders have no knowledge about! So go try and ask your parents, grandparents and siblings and tell me the result!❤❤❤

Will meet in the next update!

Bye byeee !!!!!

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