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Hello all!

I am back with our very favourite Mahabharat!!!!

Why waste much time.. Let's begin!!

1. Who is the predecessor of Shantanu?

2. Name the adoptive father of Satyavati.

3. Who is the eldest son of Satyavati?

4. Amba, Ambika and Ambalika were the princess of ______?

5. Kunti was the biological daughter of ______ and _______?

6. Which rishi cursed Maharaj Pandu that led to his death?

7. The son of Ghandari's maid and Dhritarashtra, fought the Kurukshetra war against the Kauravas. Name him.

8. Who is the wife of Shakuni?

9. Whom did Madri pray to get Nakul and Sahadev?

10. How many months was Ghandari pregnant?


Here is the batch of questions based on Mahabharat.

Google banned!

Do give your answers and shower your votes which encourages me!

Have a good day!


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