old new feelings

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twyla lovegood
i looked up to see a gorgeous, sunkissed face that belonged to the one and only, cedric diggory.

"hello darling" he said smiling down at me "is something wrong?" he asked sitting down next to me.

"um it's nothing really, just stupid feelings" i chuckled lightly

"well what happened that your feelings are hurting you" he said looking into my eyes, i found myself looking at him for way too long, i couldn't help it, we had always been friends and i've always had a little thing for him but i never acted on it because i was too in love with lorenzo.

"well, something weird is kinda happening between me and enzo" i said while picking at my nails

"i'm sorry darling, do you want to talk about it?" he asked grabbing my hands so i stopped picking at them

"erm, not really, thank you though" i said pulling my hands away and fixing my hair

"alright well you can always talk to me if you need to" he said putting his hand on my thigh, i gasped lightly at the feeling of his hands on my skin

"s-so why did you come down to the lake t-today" i stuttered not taking my eyes off of his hand

"well i actually wanted to talk to you about something" he said looking out to the lake

"oh, what did you need to talk about" i asked looking at the lake as well

he grabbed my chin and turned it towards him so i was staring into his eyes

he gazed at my lips for a moment before smirking at how flustered i was getting

"i wanted to ask if you wanted to go to hogsmead with me this weekend" he asked turning his gaze back to the lake

"oh yea that sounds fun" i said blushing furiously, this will be good, i told myself, i could get my mind off enzo and spend more time with cedric.

"great, i'll come by your common room around noon saturday?" he asked looking back at me

"yea that sounds great" i say looking away in an attempt to hide my blushing

"alright then, see you later" he winked at me before getting up and walking back towards the castle

after another hour or so i got up as well, i couldn't help but be excited for our date on saturday.

i started walking up to the castle still smiling from our conversation

as i entered the common room everyone was sitting on the couch and chairs

"hey twyla!" iris called out

"yea?" i asked still blushing slightly

"why did diggory come back to the castle all smily after he went to talk to you at the lake?" she asked smirking

"oh you know just stuff" i said looking down and smiling at the carpet

"oh really, so if i asked you if you were free on saturday you would say???" wren asked very intrigued in this conversation

"no" i said looking up at her still grinning like an idiot

"i knew it!" iris shrieked

"oh shut up" i say as i turned my gaze to enzo who was looking at the fireplace with an expression that i couldn't quite read but it was somewhere between sad and disappointed

my smile quickly faded as enzo got up and left the common room,

"don't worry about him he's just being a prick today" blaise said comfortingly

so you thought- lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now