roses and tears pt 1.

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lorenzo berkshire

i slowly opened my eyes as i yawned and stretched my arms.

i looked around the room for a moment, confused as to why i was in twylas dorm before realization of last night hit.

i looked over to see her laying there, so beautiful, so at peace.

i had always admired her beauty.

twyla lovegood

i felt soft caressing on my arm as i slowly opened my eyes and groaned.

i turned my body to see enzo already looking at me.

he smiled sweetly at me before i laid my head back down and closed my eyes again.

"oh come on princess, it's already 10 am,  you have to get up at some point"

i groaned in response.

i was never a morning person, if i had it my way school wouldn't even start until 4 pm.

"come on get up darling, it's saturday, don't waste a perfectly good weekend by laying in bed."

my eyes shot open.


it's saturday.

i have a date with diggory in two hours.


what the hell am i gonna do?

i sat up and gave enzo a quick kiss before getting up to go to my closet.

"what are you in a hurry for?" he asked curiously eyeing me.

"i totally forgot but wren and i are going on a little lunch date at hogsmead today" i lied.

"oh, that'll be fun" he said smiling, but i could tell he was a little disappointed.

"um why don't we do something tomorrow, i heard there's a new shop that opened in hogsmead." i said

"yeah that sounds like fun!" he said gazing at my body.

i'm now just realizing that i'm only in a t-shirt and my lacy underwear.

i cleared my throat before walking back into my closet.

ok i need to think of a way to let diggory down without breaking his heart. all while hiding it from lorenzo.

should be easy...enough.

i pulled a few thing off hangers and held them up to me to see what i should wear.

i settled on this.

i stepped out of my closet to see enzo sitting on my bed reading a book

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i stepped out of my closet to see enzo sitting on my bed reading a book.

god he looked so handsome without even trying.

so you thought- lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now