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twyla lovegood
as lorenzo walked into snapes classroom we made eye contact

this was gonna be awkward

"good your both here" snape said eyeing enzo up and down, "for the next three hours you two will be cleaning every book shelf in the library" a grin slid onto his face, weirdo

my jaw dropped in shock, "but professor! the library is huge!" i exclaimed

"i suggest you get to work then" he said chuckling handing us rags

"wonderful" enzo says under his breath

i just groaned and got to work

we were silent for an hour, it was really awkward but i was kinda glad we at least were hanging out

lorenzo berkshire
"hey um twyla?" i asked nervously

"yeah?" she said looking at me

"um what did i say earlier that made you upset?" i said cautiously

she looked away for a moment, when she looked back at me she had a look of frustration, i didn't want to pry because if there was one thing that i knew it was that if you make her mad she will he ruthless.

"well you said i broke your heart, your weak little heart" she spat going back to her work

'what did that mean' i thought to myself

'i should leave it alone' i told myself, maybe another time i'll ask.

about 10 minutes went by as i kept telling myself to leave it alone, but i couldn't, i couldn't just leave things how they were, she was my best friend and now we're not even talking.

"um twyla?" i said but she just ignored me and kept working

" twyla?" i said again, but no response

i walked over to her and grabbed her chin making her look at me

"ok i know ur angry but what can i do to make you forgive me?" i said looking into her eyes

she looked away from me, i turned her head towards my eyes once again, a little more aggressively than i meant too

"i was being an asshole coming onto you like that so just tell what you need to forgive me?" i spoke

"it's not your fault enzo" she said looking down. "well it kinda is twyla, you obviously weren't into me and i pushed you to-" i started to say but she cut me off,

"you didn't force me to do anything, i wanted it but i just" she said looking into my eyes with a sense of defeat

"just what?" i spoke lowly

"i wanted more than a hookup" she finally said," but that isn't really your thing, which is fine but i just can't do this" she walked away from me gout back to her cleaning.

"w-wait twyla!" i called out rushing towards her,"do you really mean that?" i questioned looking into her deep features, 'how can one person be so perfect' i asked my self

"mean what?" she asked still doing her work

"that you want more than a hookup" i said hopefully

"yes but enzo just drop it" she said looking embarrassed

"no twyla, i want more too" i said, it felt like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, i did it, i finally confessed that i wanted more

she slowly looked up to me in confusion, "you do?" she said looking at me like i had 4 heads

"yes twyla! i like you and i've liked you for years i just didn't know how to tell you" i said looking shocked that i just said that out loud.

she stared at me for a minute trying to register my
words i guess

i started walking away going back to my spot, 'what did i just do?'i asked myself, i just ruined our entire friendship

as i was turning away she lunged at me and pulled me into a very passionate kiss

i wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her closer, she put her hands behind my neck and pulling the back of my hair lightly causing me to groan into her mouth

after a minute we finally pulled away from our kiss and looked into each other's eyes

"you have no idea how long i've wanted to do that for" i spoke softly

she just smiled and pulled me in for another kiss, only this time more intense

she grabbed my arms, neck, hair, anything she could hold onto. i ran my hands along her sides, through her hair, my hands went downwards, it was like they had a mind of their own, i grabbed her ass lightly making her groan into my mouth, the sounds that came out of her mouth were angelic, all i wanted was to lay her down on the table across the room and fuck her till sunrise, but i needed to be respectful

my hands found their way under her shirt, as i caressed her back she pulled her lips away from mine and gave me a little smirk before placing kisses along my jawline to my neck

i let low moans escape my mouth, i couldn't believe what was happening, the girl that i have had a crush on since year 3 was finally more than my friend

she brought her lips back up to mine, i moved my hands forward to her chest slowly, she let out a little groan as i massaged her breasts with my hands

we were lost in each others presence when we heard the library door open then slam

we pulled away startled, we were in the back of the library so we had time to gather ourselves

we picked up our rags again and frantically started cleaning

"professor dumbledore told me to send you two to bed" came snapes grumbling voice

twyla and i looked at eachother and she started giggling quietly

snape stormed out of the library muttering something about 'those bloody kids'

as soon as the door closed we burst out laughing, "well he's in a good mood" she said

"clearly" i said still laughing

we started walking out of the library silently, 'i wish i knew what was going through her head right now' i thought to myself

when we finally got to her dorm i gave her a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye but as i was turning to walk away she grabbed my wrist


"what is it?" i said turning around to meet her eyes again

"don't leave just yet" she said a grin sliding onto her face as she bit her bottom lip, "i wanna do something"

"what did you have in mind" i said smirking knowing exactly what she wanted.

sorry for the short chapter!! but get ready for next chapter🥵

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