just friends

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twyla lovegood
as everyone made their way to my dorm i was running a little bit behind, my sister luna started talking to me, when i was younger i always thought that luna and enzo would date, they just had so much chemistry and were always hanging out, but when luna came out as lesbian and started dating ginny weasley i wasn't really surprised, i guess enzo wasn't either because he moved on pretty quickly.

as i walked into my dorm everyone was already there, i sat down on my bed and begin pulling out some supplies for our project, as i was grabbing my textbook from my bad i felt arms around my waist, suddenly i was over  enzo's  shoulder, "put me down!" i giggled, but he didn't he just walked over to my bed and dropped me on it, i felt blood rushing to my heart, and well other places as well.

we giggled for a minute before blaise chimes in "settle down lovebirds, we still have a project to work on", enzo and i looked at each other for a moment, we exchanged a look very similar to the one we had on our first night, but this one was easier to read, his facial expressions told me that he didn't want to stop, i started at him for a moment before he said " well you heard the man", i blushed furiously as we sat down on the floor and began working on the project.

after about 2 hours we decided to be done for the night, "let's play a game" enzo said abruptly, "erm what game?" i asked shyly, "how about truth or dare" he said with a slight smirk on his face, "that sounds like fun!" chimed iris, she glanced at me with a devilish smirk.

we played the game for a little, enzo dated blaise to make out with the floor for 2 minutes, then blaise dared iris to eat a Bernie botts every flavor beans, the game went on like this for a while until it was my turn, "truth or dare twyla" enzo asked," dare" i said bravely, he and blaise gave each other a look before he turned to me, " i dare you to snog iris", iris and i looked at each other in shock, "well i guess if that's the dare" i said while giggling, i looked at enzo who had a smirk on his face, i crawled over to iris and we looked at each other for a moment trying to bite back laughter, iris and i would often do things like slap each other's ass or flirt with each other to have fun, i leaned into her face and we began snogging, i could hear enzo and blaise whistle, after a minute we pulled away and began laughing, i turned back around to go back to my spot next to enzo, i looked at him and an expression of pure lust was on his face, i looked down and saw that his face wasn't the only part that was excited, he saw where my eyes went and covered up then looked back to me and blushed.

after some time iris said " enzo, truth or dare", "i'm not a pussy so dare", iris gave me a little smirk before turning her head to look at him, "i dare you to do seven minutes in heaven, with twyla" my face went red, iris turned to look at me and winked, "well alright then" enzo said standing up and taking my hand, we made our way into the closet and he sit the door, i heard blaise call out, " your 7 minutes start now", i turned to look at enzo and he was already looking at me, i blushed furiously, " what's on your mind?" enzo asked, i stared at him for a moment before opening my mouth to say something but nothing came out, "is my presence making you stutter?" he asked with a grin, i opened my mouth to say something but again nothing came out, " don't worry twyla i've always known you've seen me like this" my heart fluttered at his words, but the more i thought about what he said i got sad because if he knew and he didn't make any moves that just means that he doesn't feel the same way.

we just stood there in silence for what felt like eternity, but was probably only 2 minutes, "are you happy with your life?" i heard enzo say, "what do you mean?" i asked trying to avoid eye contact, he grabbed my chin and lifted my face to look into his eyes, "i mean are you happy with having no love life, no sex life?" i stared at him in both shock and lust, "i- i don't", i started to say but was cut off, "because if you weren't happy, i could help you with that", i looked at him for a while and he looked back at me with a smirk on his face his eyes darting to my eyes, lips, breasts, thighs, back to my eyes, i just stood there flustered for what felt like forever but at the same time not long enough.

iris suddenly opened the door which made me jump a little, "times up you two", she said with a grin, she had smudged makeup and looked flustered, as did blaise, i looked at her and began giggling lightly, "um well this has been great but blaise and i have something we need to do" iris said quickly dragging blaise out of the room, i laughed for a moment before i felt enzo spin me around and put his hand on my cheek, he looked into my eyes deeply, "think about what i said lovegood" he said gazing at my lips, my heart felt like it was gonna explode, he gave me one last glance before leaving, "im going to hang out with some friends, see you tomorrow darling" he said before winking and leaving.

i sat down on my bed putting my hand on my face where he had his, "what the fuck just happened?"

sorry for the short chapter!!  i'll be updating tomorrow hopefully!

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