at last

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twyla lovegood
*viewer descretion advised*
i smirked running my hand down his chiseled chest, his breathing hitching in his throat, just stopping my hand above where he wanted me to touch the most, i grabbed his shirt and pulled him into me

i kissed him deeply and passionately.

it's been way too long since our last kiss.

he responded quickly kissing me back running his hands all over my body

he pushed me farther into my dorm and kicked the door shut with his foot

he pulled me back in kissing me with a certain passion and fire that i've never felt before

his tongue grazed my bottom lip, i opened my
mouth for his tongue to go into my mouth

our tongues intertwined and danced.

i started unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off of him

breaking our kiss i began kissing along his jaw and collarbone and neck.

he moaned lightly at the feeling.

i pulled away and came back up to kiss him

his hands came down to the hem of my shirt and pulled it off over my head.

he stood in front of me, eyeing me up and down, taking in my figure.

i decided to tease him a little bit.

i slowly and seductively slid off my skirt and dropped it too the ground

i walked over to him and kissed him, lightly teasing his bottom lip with my tongue

his hands immediately grabbed onto my body, he started groping me hard, feeling up my sides, waist, ass, back, breasts.

i pulled away from him and looked into his eyes, he looked into mine aswell, his scent was intoxicating, i could never get enough of him.

my hands were behind his neck and i leaned in for a kiss, just a little peck.

remaining eye contact i slowly slid my hands down his strong shoulders, his muscular chest, his toned abs, and finally i got to his belt.

at this point his eyes were following my every move, i started to unbuckle his belt, "can i unbuckle your-" i started to say but he cut me off, "of course" i smirked "eager are we?" i asked, "you have no idea" he said, i could tell by the look in his eye he wasn't used to being teased , that being said i want to tease him more.

i pulled him into me once more.

i started backing him towards the bed and pushed him down onto it.

he leaned up onto his elbows watching me intently.

i slowly started kissing his neck, chest, abs, v-line, and i slowly pulled down his boxers.

his huge erection sprung up. i gasped quietly when i saw it. i couldn't believe how big it was.

i slowly started stroking him, looking him in the eye. as i sped up a little he moaned and threw his head back.

i lightly placed a kiss on his tip before taking half of him into my mouth.

he moaned at the feeling and grabbed my hair making it into a makeshift ponytail.

i tried my best to take all of him into my mouth.

he started bucking his hips and throbbing inside my mouth, i knew he was close so i pulled away.

"what-" he started but i cut him off by taking him into my mouth once again, bobbing my head even faster than before.

so you thought- lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now