sneaking around

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twyla lovegood
i sat up in my bed completely sleep deprived, why is my life like this?

"so... last night" iris said with a grin.

"what happened last night?" wren asked

"twyla was in enzo's room last night" iris replied still grinning

wren looked at me with wide eyes,

"yea we started to hook up and it was great but then blaise ruined it" i said falling back onto my bed.

"oh that's my fault sorry" said iris with a sympathetic face.

"it's alright iris, last night was a mistake anyways" i said shrugging, was it really a mistake? i thought to myself

"what do you mean?" wren asked

"well enzo's such a player and he could have any girl and i don't want to just be another hookup to him, i actually have feelings for him" i expressed

wren and iris looked at me with an expression of pity for me.

" i get what you mean" said wren.

"same totally" added iris

they smiled at me and i smiled back and we started getting ready for classes.

i put on a a skirt and button up white shirt as usual and we started heading to class.

as we got there i was already dozing off, i was so tired, i just wanted to go to bed and never come back.

"rough night?" enzo said with a slight grin.

"yeah" i replied as i sat down and put my head on the desk

he looked at me with worry plastered on his face, he looked over at iris who just looked away.

"um are you alright" he asked cautiously

"i don't know enzo i have too much on my mind" i said barely lifting my head from the desk.

he just awkwardly sat down as snape walked in and started teaching.

slam! i jolted awake, i must've drifted off while he was teaching.

"am i boring you"? snape asked,

"oh no professor, i'm sorry i'm just tired today" i said straightening up.

"well we'll just see how tired you are in detention tonight" he said continuing his lesson.

i groaned and put my head back down, worst. day. ever.

when class ended i quickly walked out trying to just get to my next class without any distraction.

i felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see enzo, i smiled shyly at him, i didn't know how to act around him anymore.

"um can we talk"? he asked.

"sure" i replied as he grabbed me and brought me into an empty classroom.

as we walked in he grabbed my waist and put his hand on my chin making me look up into his eyes.

"what's going on darling?" he said gazing in my eyes.

" i just don't know what to do about this" i said looking away

he grabbed my chin and forced my eyes to look at him

" you know, you might regret last night..... but i didn't" he leaned in closer his face so close i could feel his breath on my face, "last night i couldn't sleep because i couldn't get you out of my head, all i wanted to do was bust into your dorm and fuck you right then and there".

his words lingered and i grew warmer, i had this hunger, this thirst, i needed him, now.

i bashed my lips into his and he eagerly kissed me back, i ran my fingers through his hair and pulled lightly so he groaned in my mouth.

i started unbuttoning his shirt and walking towards a desk as he flipped me onto the desk, i was laying on my back, my legs wrapped around his waist.

we gazed into each others eyes for a moment before he dived  into another kiss, he started kissing down my neck and chest, he started to pull my shirt off but we heard a bunch of chatter.

bloody first years needed this classroom for one of their classes.

he quickly buttoned his shirt and helped me up as we made our way out.

he walked me to my next class, "so" he started to say, " i don't think we should do this" i blurted out, his face looked suprised and a little sad.

"wait why" he asked looking at my eyes deeply, "i just don't want to hook up with you enzo, it's nothing personal, it's just" i started to say but he quickly cut me off, " no i get it" he said started to walk away, "enzo wait" i called out but he just kept walking away.

i palmed my forehead as i walked into my class and sat down next to wren

"what's wrong" she asked

" just enzo" i said, she just shrugged and looked away

wren had always been good at being able to tell when i wasn't in the mood to talk about something.

the day went on painfully slow, all i could think about was him, how he touched me, how he looked at me, how he talked to me and i had just ruined everything

as my last class got out i just walked down to the black lake by myself.

enzo and i used to come here when we were younger and talk for hours just about random silly things, but once we were in our fourth year, he just stopped coming, he was too busy with girls and drugs to do silly things like this.

i sat down against a tree just looking at the water, i single tear ran down my cheek as i was thinking about what i had done earlier

i did the right thing, i was sure of it.

but there was that pesky feeling i've always felt about him.

i couldn't help but think about what wouldve happened if we did hook up, would he just forget and move on, or would it have been more than that.

i was deep in thought when i felt a hand touch my shoulder, i looked up to see a gorgeous, sun kissed face looking down at me.

so you thought- lorenzo berkshireWhere stories live. Discover now