train ride

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twyla lovegood
i stepped into a compartment with all my friends sitting down next to a window, "ugh these train rides last forever" my bestfriend iris groaned, "i'm sure you'll be ok iris", i said sarcastically, causing our other best friend wren to giggle.

"oi will you lot quite down!" chimed enzo, enzo was...good looking, i've always had a crush on him but i've never told him because i know he would never feel the same way, he was this fun hot guy that could have any girl he wanted why would he chose me?

i caught myself daydreaming about him and staring, i quickly snapped out of it, i don't know what's wrong with me, it's like he got more attractive over the summer, he went from this cute prankster to this hot, charming, ladies man.

i laid my head down on wrens lap as i tried to get a nap in, i knew this would be a long ride.

"wake up!!!!!!!" i suddenly jolted awake to iris screaming at me, "WHAT" i say im trying to function, "we're almost there" iris says giggling a little, "merlin you scared me" i say as i chuckle.

i look out the window and as i'm starting to dose off again i hear blaises ear piercing laugh, apparently wren and draco were arguing over who's a better friend, me and enzo give each other a look that says wtf is happening.

we arrive at hogwarts and get on a carriage to the castle, "race ya" enzo says as he runs in front of me giving me a smirk. "oh you little" i start but am quickly stopped by enzo tripping me, he laughs at me on my ass before offering his hand, as he helped me up i could feel his warm touch and i just wanted to hold it forever, we gave each other a look that we haven't exchanged before, a look that i didn't know how to react to but thankfully draco broke the tension by grumbling about how hungry he was.

as we entered the great hall i sat inbetween wren and blaise across form enzo, it was kind of awkward because i couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier.

after we were all done stuffing our faces we headed down to the common room, as we stepped inside i felt the cool air on my face, iris, wren, and i gave the boys a hug goodnight before going to our dorm.

we all got ready for bed talking about our summers and looking at our schedules for tomorrow, as i crawled in bed i tried to fall asleep but i couldn't get damn lorenzo berkshire out of my head, i was lying wide awake at what felt like 3:00am when i was hearing wrens light snoring, i rolled over and eventually started sleeping only to be woken less than 3 hours later.

"get upppppp.... TWYLA!" shrieked iris, i jumped suddenly sitting up and looking around the room registering where i was, "merlin iris you have to stop yelling at me to get up," i said rubbing my eyes and yawning, "well if you weren't such a heavy sleeper you might wake up when i scream the first time!" she said as she walked to her closet, "oi you two shut up and get ready!" wren chimed in as she poked her head out from the bathroom,

i got out of bed and walked over to my closet, i was unsure of what to wear but i knew i wanted to wear something that would grab enzo's attention.

"iris?" i called out from my closet, "yea twyla" i hear her say, "do you think you could pick out an outfit for me to wear today, you've always been better at that than me" i said, "sure! what are we thinking like comfortable, hot, showy, trendy?" she said while looking through my clothes, "something that will make heads turn when they see me in it" i replied.

she paused for a moment turing around to look at me, "your trying to get enzo's attention aren't you!" she gasped, "well i mean" i stated but wren cut me off, "don't think i didn't see you two giving each other those looks all day yesterday", wren had always been the quiet more observent one whereas iris was a little more outgoing. " so what if i am" i replied " i mean it's just something about him that's just so.." "hot?", iris said, "charming?" wren cut in.
"i don't know but just make me look irresistible" i said as iris went back to looking at my clothes.

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