Epilogue: Sunrise

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Walking and walking, that's all Lin's mind thought when he and Puro were exiting the city. It felt like forever until they reached what seemed to be a grassy wasteland, they knew this wasn't the only thing they would see if they continued forward. But for now, they just wanted to relax as both of them sat down, quite exhausted after the long and crazy journey they had to go through. "You know Puro, even though this all has been crazy. . .I really think that this adventure has brought us alot closer to each other." Lin said, smiling in the process. "W-Well. . . .I think your very right about that, we started out as simple good friends, then we umm. . ." Puro was having some trouble saying the next word, but it was to late as Lin finished the word for him. "Confessed to each other, right?" Lin said, laughing a bit as Puro looked very embarrassed, blushing a bit as he nodded. "T-Then all of this crazy stuff that I never thought would happen all came at us at once. But I. . . .I t-think that it brought us alot closer to each other as well." Puro was showing his embarrassed and adorable side again, he and Lin have been through so much to the point where they haven't really had time to express there true emotions. "T-Then. . .I can say I didn't regret a thing, in the end this all brought us closer together. And that's all I want in this world." Lin said this, making Puro just a bit more red. Seeing this, Lin decided to give Puro a nice and passionate kiss. It feels like forever since they really had a real and nice kiss. Puro's eyes widened, even though this has happened many times now, he's still not so used to it as he was now very red. Eventually Puro would kiss back, feeling really happy on the inside. Along with some other feelings and emotiona tied up with this happiness which made things even better. It felt like quite a while before they both stopped, both of course blushing immensely as they both glanced over at the sunrise. They sat there for a minute, staring at the beautiful site, until eventually Lin spoke up. "Hey Puro?" Lin looked over at Puro. "Hm? Yes?" Puro said as Lin gave a passionate smile. "I love you." Puro let out a shy smile, answering back. "I love you to Lin."

[Epilogue End.]

[Author's note: I feel very accomplished and happy about this story, it may have felt and probably was very short for people. It wasn't perfect in many ways and could have been considered boring or strange to read but I still feel very happy with this story. Of course I will be making more stories about this, so this is for sure not the end. And as I progress throughout story making, I will make my stories longer, better, and just more entertaining. With this all said I really hope you guys enjoyed this story and I'm glad if you did. If you didn't I perfectly understand and of course I will do better. With this said, I can now say this story is complete.]

[A few questions answered if anyone was wondering, and new ideas: Now for any questions that anyone has, you can comment down in the comments. But I will quickly now get some questions out of the way incase anyone was gonna ask these. "Will you do anymore Changed stories?" Yes I will indeed continue to make stories off of Changed and will make a sequel to this book to eventually, but I also will make alot of different stories all not just based off of Changed. For the next question, it may seem weird but I just wanted to get this out of the way if somehow anyone was wondering this. "In future stories, will you include any NSFW scenes?" Again this may seem like a weird question, but it needs answered. This can really and I mean really depend, if you couldn't tell throughout this entire book, you know I suck at making and Romance scenes in general. So making NSFW would be a big challenge for me, so I will most likely never do one. If I did make one, it would be horrendously bad and would probably be really uncomfortable to read. Since I'm already bad at Romance scenes already. But if alot of people really want one, then I will attempt to make it as uhhhh. . .enjoyable? As possible, but don't get your hopes up. "Will your stories get more detailed and longer?" Definitely, for sure. I am going to get better and better at story making, this will help me make my stories longer and easier to read. And that's the three main questions I wanted to answer for everyone, If anyone has any question that I didn't answer, then feel free to comment it in the comments. I will answer any of your questions if you have any. Now it's time to get into some ideas for my next story, now it can be about anything but I do have three suggestions that I have for myself incase anyone wants to vote them. These suggestions are Deltarune, Hollow Knight (my personal favorite), and Undertale AU. These are some simple dumb suggestions I have out, I'm gonna write all three books each about these ideas of course eventually, it's just I want someone to vote which one I should do first. Or if you don't like my suggestions, then you could lend me your own suggestion you have, which I will gladly take if I like it. And with everything all said, this is goodbye for now. Once again, thank you so much for reading my story, I greatly appreciate it.]

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