Chapter 9: Dead To Me

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Puro sat there in shock, was that really it? After spending such a short time with Lin would that really be it for him? Puro wasn't gonna give up so easily, he picked up Lin and used his Latex covered arm to block the remaining shots that fired at them, Puro didn't care that it hurt like Hell. All that mattered to him right now was Lin and only Lin. "I got you, I got you." Puro repeated to Lin as if he could be heard, he started to run the opposite direction of the bullets and quickly ran inside a nearby building, hiding behind a countertop and staying completely silient. "Damnit! Where did he go?!" The leader shouted loudly, the other Hunters would instantly search the building for them. "We'll find them shortly, they couldn't have gone far, especially with one of them being shot." A Hunter said as he continued to search. "We better find them before the boss kills every last one of us then!!" Another Hunter said while furiously throwing furniture to the side in an attempt to find them. "Calm down and stop crying, the boss won't kill us." The leader said as all of the others spoke at once. "Lies." They said, eventually they gave up and furiously ran out of the building. "Maybe they snuck past us!" One said as he and the others ran into a different building, one were thankfully Puro and Lin weren't inside of. "There finally gone." Puro said with relief, it wasn't gonna last long as he instantly got up and ran up the stairs until eventually making it on the roof, Puro sat down from exhaustion. But he couldn't give up hope now, he had to worry about Lin at the moment, Lin wasn't hit in the head but he was hit in an area near his right shoulder two times in a row. "You c-can do this Puro, remember, your doing it for him." Puro said as he slowly stood up and looked around for any supplies that could help treat the wound, the bullet went through all of the skin and out of the back end of the shoulder, so getting the bullet out wouldn't be an issue at all since there wasn't one in there. It was the wound itself that would be hard to treat, Puro still couldn't believe all of this was happening, never would he think when he got outside there would be guns, or Hunters, it was like he was in some Fictional book. Puro would find what seemed to be some bandages and some Hydrogen Peroxide, Puro didn't even know what any of these things did since he's never seen any outside world objects really. "You can do this, you can do this." Puro repeated to himself as he poured hydrogen peroxide on the wound, causing it to turn a white foamy color, Puro was struggling to not feel disgusted. Puro then would attempt to wrap bandages around the wound and thankfully he did it successfully, with this all done the wound was fine. . .for now. "I did it, I actually d-did it!" Puro exclaimed in joy, he felt like there was some hope for Lin now. "N-Now all I gotta do is wait." Puro said, sitting down and slowly and carefully setting Lin down aswell, Puro was exhausted from everything that was happening to them right now and decided that getting some sleep wouldn't be a bad thing. After a while Lin would slowly open his eyes, he couldn't think straight, everything was hazy until. . . "Puro!" Lin screamed, remembering the event that occurred, Puro eyes shot awake and he looked at Lin with joy and concern. He was glad Lin was alive and well, but before he could celebrate he needed to calm Lin down. "L-Lin, relax i'm right here." Puro said calmly, tears formed around Lin's eyes. "P-Puro! I'm sorry I shouldn't have given up l-like that! I left you and y-you. . .you could have gotten hurt!" Lin cried out, tears were slipping from his eyes sockets and went down his furry cheek as he continued to cry. "A-Are you hurt?!-" Lin exclaimed before Puro pulled him in for a tight hug. "It's okay, i'm fine. Don't be sorry you did nothing wrong." Puro said in a calm and kind tone as Lin tightly hugged Puro back, he was still crying. He felt like he failed Puro, his promise to him broken, this only made Lin feel worse as he held on to Puro a little tighter. "I-I'm so sorry, I broke m-my promise." Lin said siliently as he wiped his tears away, it didn't matter as more came down. Puro held Lin tighter. "You didn't, you didn't die and that was our promise. Y-You got hurt just to protect me, and that's better than any promise." Puro said as he looked down at Lin's tear covered face, even then Lin still felt terribly guilty at what he had done, but he wanted to make Puro happy so he calmed down a bit and wiped his tears away once again. Not saying a word. "If it weren't for you, we might have both died. So once again, I really appreciate what you did Lin, and I hope you don't regret it." Puro said quietly, he felt exhausted from everything he had to do today. "I-I. . .I would never regret protecting you Puro." Lin then slowly leaned towards Puro more, and gave him a kiss. Even if Puro was exhausted, he still blushed immensely as he slowly kissed back. It felt like a while before they stopped, both now even more exhausted. Lin's eyes got heavy and he closed them as he started to drift to sleep, Puro doing the same. For now everything was fine. . .for now atleast.

The next day

Lin opened his eyes slightly, yawning and rubbing them as he sat up, realizing that Puro was gone. Lin instantly got up quickly only to find Puro was standing near a corner like area on the roof. "Puro? Oh t-there you are, you scared me." Lin said in a worry like tone, Puro turning around and giving Lin his usual cheerful smile. "O-Oh, sorry about that! I just was looking for another place for us to stay, where there isn't people trying to hurt us." Puro then glanced back, he was staring at all of the frustrated Hunters that were still looking for them, Lin walked up and stood near Puro. Resting his head on Puro's shoulder as he watched, sighing as he thought when these Hunters were gonna give up.

Meanwhile with the Hunters

"The boss should be here soon, make sure to make a good impression and don't f*** this up, got it?" The Leader said as the rest nodded, soon there were quiet yet echo like footsteps approaching the Hunters. The Hunters cleared a way, Puro and Lin squinting in order to see who this person was. It wasn't a person, but more like someone that was transfurred? The footsteps got louder until they stopped as a Furry like person wearing a long white lab coat looked at all of the Hunters, Lin and Puro were in shock, they knew exactly who this was. The leader would go up to this person, and greet them. "Welcome back, Doctor. K."

[Chapter 9 End.]

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