Chapter 5: A New Threat?

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Lin slowly opened his eyes as he glanced at the still sleeping Puro then glanced around the room a bit, he didn't want to say or do anything or he might wake Puro, and also Puro's tail was still wrapped around him. But he didn't mind getting some more sleep especially with Puro, he was just about to fall asleep until he tilted to the side a bit, making the beanbag, Puro (surprisingly), and himself fall on the ground together all at once. "Oh snap- ACK!" Were Lin's final words before he was buried underneath the giant beanbag and Puro. "Wha?. . .What just happened?!" Puro said as he looked down at the beanbag. "Puro your k-kinda well umm. . .crushing me a bit, along with the beanbag." Lin said as he struggled to get the giant beanbag off of him, Puro went red at this from embarrassment and quickly picked up the beanbag and put it aside. "I-I am very sorry! That was probably my f-fault." Puro said this as if he has done this before. "N-No it was me, I tilted to the side and next thing you know i'm being crushed. Sorry for waking you up." Lin said as Puro happily hugged him tightly. "No need to be sorry! I was supposed to be up before you anyways, but what matters is that your okay!" Puro said as Lin blushed a tiny bit and hugged back. "You sure do worry alot Puro, not in a mean way of course." Lin said. "Well how could I not? My new. . .best friend?. . .I don't really know what to call it at this point. Sorry." Puro said as he smiled shyly before continuing on his sentence. "Anyways, my new and amazing 'friend' could get hurt and I won't let that happen!" Puro continued on as Lin smiled. "Like I said, not in a m-mean way. I just find it cute." Puro was a bit flustered hearing this, but he didn't know what to say. "Hey Puro?" Lin said as he tapped Puro to get his attention, Puro attempted to stop looking flustered and looked at Lin. "Do you think I should give you a nickname?" Lin said out of nowhere. "You would really give a nickname to me?! Wow! What would I be called?" Puro said excitedly. "Precious Cute Latex Fluffy Boi." Lin said smiling and laughing as Puro went red. "R-Really?" Puro said a bit shocked. "Yep! It's a perfect name for you, even if it's a bit long it makes sense. Your a cute, adorable, Latex, Fluffy Boi." Lin said as he snuggled against Puro. "Your more Fluffy then Latex to me in my opinion though." As Lin said this, Puro had no reaction but to just blush more and more, he had never had anyone love him this much. Which he found amazing, Lin thought this was cute and patted Puro a bit.


A group of unknown Entities were in the distance.

"So thats it? We find them and we terminate them right?" "Mhm." "Sounds almost to easy, but what if the black one or the white one fight back? Or both?" "We have the necessary tools for the job, this termination will be easy and quick. The doctor was wrong, these Latexes need to begone from this world." ". . .Right. . .anyways, let's just do our job quick and easy-" "Hold it, you don't want to startle them just yet. We'll attack when there most vulnerable." "Sounds like a plan." "This will be marvelous."

Back with Puro and Lin

"Hey Puro? T-This might sound weird but. . .do you have the feeling were being watched?" Lin said as he was glancing around at the windows. "Well no I don't, but if you feel like there is. Then I will get prepared just in case!" Puro said in a protective tone as Lin smiled slightly. "I-I'm sure it's just my imagination." Lin said as he had his usual cheerful look on him again, Puro smiled. "I do want to know, when do you wish to leave this place?" Puro said as he glanced at Lin, Lin didn't say anything before slowly speaking. "W-Well. . .I don't know, to be honest I was a bit scared about leaving to the outside world in the first place, so I don't really have any idea on where to go." Lin said as Puro smiled again. "Well then we'll stay here until you or me figure out something!" Puro said before looking at the obviously nervous Lin. "But P-Puro what if. . .what if we don't have any ideas? W-What if every other building is empty and when we leave this one we'll. . ." Lin looked away as Puro sat next to him and looked him in the eyes. "You shouldn't be scared of that, because no matter how many times you or even me get scared and think of these thoughts, we have each other and each other is all we need." Puro said as Lin inched closer to Puro looking straight at him and smiled. "Your right, y-you are all I need for me to stay d-determined." Lin said still stuttering a bit as Puro got even closer to Lin and smiled. "And I could say the same for you." Puro said happily, Lin then slowly leaned in more before kissing Puro once again. Only this time Puro wasn't so hesitant to kiss back and once he did it lasted longer then both of them expected, eventually after a while they stopped and looked at each other, both smiling yet blushing. They didn't need to say any other words. They continued to smile at each other, it was as if nothing could go wrong. . . .until a huge tranquilizer dart shattered the glass and landed right between them.

[Small note: Sorry for bad fan art, I couldn't get anything else.]

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