Chapter 7: Broken Promise

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Lin would slowly open his eyes, expecting to be back at the abandoned apartment. Of course he wasn't as his wish of this being all a bad dream was ruined completely, Puro would eventually wake up and be entirely confused. "H-Huh?. . .where are we?" Puro said as he still seemed sleepy after that Tranquilizer Dart hit him. "Well after you got hit by that Dart, I d-decided to hide here for now. . . .hopefully those weird. . .'Hunters' are gone." Lin said obviously showing a sign of nervousness. "You seem nervous-" Puro couldn't finish his sentence before Lin interrupted him. "I am, because of this! What are we supposed to do?! Were being hunted for no apparent reason!" Lin said not trying to sound rude. "You don't have to be scared about it, we made a promise to each other. Don't. Die. And I know that we aren't gonna break that promise!" Puro said in a cheerful tone, this was surprising that Puro was acting so cheerful and always determined despite the situation. This made Lin remember that Puro would never give up on him so easily, infact he never will or would give up on him. "T-Thanks Puro." Lin said as he hugged Puro, Puro would hug back as he smiled. "Don't worry, we'll get through this." Puro said as Lin actually smiled a bit, he adored Puro's determination even at a time like this. "I would hope so." Lin said as he glanced at the door that led outside. "Anyways, we are gonna have to leave now. You need food and water and we don't have any, atleast I don't think so." Puro said as he walked up to the door that led outside. "Y-Yeah. . .I couldn't grab any, sorry." Lin said, feeling stupid that he didn't even think to grab any food or water on the way. "Don't be sorry, you were more worried about escaping most likely and that was more important at that moment." Puro said glancing at Lin as he smiled, Lin nodded but still felt a little bad. "I'll go first, just in case alright?" Puro said. "You sure?" Lin didn't want the same thing to happen again. "Positive!" Puro said as he opened the door that led outside, to their luck there was no Hunters nearby. "Perfect, don't worry it's safe." Puro said reassuringly as Lin stepped outside. "It seems so, we should hurry just in case though." Lin said as he glanced at Puro, Puro nodded in agreement before Lin started to walk ahead and look around for any sort of place that would have food or water. "It's strange isn't it? I wonder why those 'Hunters' want to hurt us so bad." Puro said this as he sounded confused, Lin felt the same way. After all they did nothing wrong. "Yeah it is, I-I didn't carry the Virus out since I was transfurred, you got a fake host so now you can survive and you didn't hurt anyone, and that scientist said that the humans would be nice." Lin said continuing to walk down the dead street. "Didn't that scientist say his name was 'Dr. K' or s-something?" Puro glanced around at the dead streets when he said this. "I think so, I-I can't remember really. . ." Lin then would stop and glance over at a tall, skinny building, with the name of it being scratched out to the point where it was unreadable. "How about we check this place out?" Lin said still staring at the building. "Good idea! It looks like it could have some food and water in it." Puro said as he started to walk inside of the old building. "It looks like an old restaurant almost, there's tables and chairs and what seems like to be a kitchen maybe?" Lin said as he entered the building as well, glancing around at all of the tables, chairs, and such. "I'll go and check if there's any food or water." Puro said as he walked up to the upper levels of the building. Lin didn't find much stuff in the lower levels so he decided to follow Puro. "Hopefully there is, that would be one less thing to worry about" Lin said as he looked around, hoping to find atleast a little food or water. "I'm sure there is!" Puro said hopefully as he continued to search around, eventually after searching for a while they only found two bottles of water and barely any food. "W-Well. . .it's better then nothing." Lin said as he stared at the supplies they got. "I-I'm sure we'll find more eventually! We just have to keep looking elsewhere." Puro said with a bit of determination in his voice, Lin wasn't gonna give up just yet so he slightly smiled before starting to make his way to the exit. Puro following behind quickly. "I'm just happy we got something." Lin said as he opened the door and was now back outside on the dead streets once again, Puro walked out as well and was standing by Lin. "It's better then nothing!" Puro said as he glanced around once more before continuing on as Lin followed, getting a bad feeling.


"So where are they heading to now?" The leader of the Hunters said through a radio. "Subjects just finished looking through what seems to be an old abandoned restaurant, they are now heading downtown where the main Plaza is. Eliminate them immediately when they get about near the middle." An unknown voice said through the radio. "Gotcha, and what do we do after we eliminate them again?" The leader said through the radio. "Take them back here, I wasn't expecting them to get as far as they have so do it quick. You remember the coordinates right?" The voice coming from the radio said this very sternly. "Yep we'll notify you when the subjects are eliminated." The leader said as he shut off the radio and sighed. "Use better fu**ing weapons next time, Tranquilizer Darts are useless." The leader said angrily to the other Hunters. "But thats all we have, we don't even have real guns-" The other Hunter was cut off as another spoke up. "No need to get angry gentlemen, for I have fixed this problem." The Hunter speaking up would set down a pile of weapons on a table, the others looked at them in quick shock before each and every one of them grabbed one. "Now with this said and done, this should now be easy for you. Find them and eliminate them, if they even breath after being shot don't hesitate to double tap." The leader said sternly. "This time, don't. Let. Them. Get. Away." The leader of the Hunters would say as the others nodded and set out to look for the two.

At the Plaza

Puro and Lin continued to walk downtown, until walking down a hill and seeing a big, and open like area. "Whoa, this place looks huge." Puro said in shock as Lin would read a sign that was near the area, the sign was barely readable as it had 'Plaza area' written on it. "This place looks promising, maybe we'll find more food here?" Lin said in a hopeful tone as he started to walk ahead and get about to the middle area of the Plaza, Puro followed to be greeted by a shocking sight. The Plaza bricks were placed in a specific pattern with specific colors such as blue, turquoise, red, and light lime on them. Making a beautiful pattern even if some of the colors were worn off. "Wow, this place looks actually pretty." Lin said in shock as Puro sat down and glanced at all of the bricks in curiosity. "Indeed it is!" Puro said with a bit of excitement in his voice, as Lin sat by him. Lin looked at Puro being interested and happy, which made him feel the same way. It was like that bad feeling slowly faded away as Lin smiled in enjoyment, eventually looking at the different colored pattern bricks as well.

Far away

Two of the Hunters where perched on a building as they watched Puro and Lin examine the beautiful pattern bricks, slowly raising their guns as they aimed at them. Ready for a signal by the leader as they patiently waited to fire, eventually the leader gave them a glare and slightly nodded. With this they fired there guns straight at them.

[Chapter 7 End.]

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