Chapter 2: Something Else

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As Puro and Lin walked inside of the abandoned apartment building. . .or atleast they thought it was abandoned. They we're greeted with nothing but quite alot of dust everywhere, some books scattered across the floor, and even some good and not expired food. "Wow! Looks like we got lucky human!- I-I mean Lin." Puro said as he was still a bit nervous to call Lin his name. "Looks like you made the good call." Lin smiled at Puro, Puro would smile back before instantly running over to the scattered books. "I haven't read any of these books, looks like I have some catching up to do." Puro said as he neatly would pile the books in his paws as Lin helped him. "Catching up with what? Reading?" Lin asked Puro "Well of course! Who doesn't like to read a nice book once in a while?" Puro said excitedly as Lin smiled. "Yeah, your right." Lin told Puro as Lin got all of the books tucked neatly under Puro's arm. "Hey Puro?" Lin asked as he looked at Puro. "Hm? What is it?" Puro asked as Lin would stutter when he said this. "C-Can I. . .read with you?" Lin asked shyly as Puro would go wide eyed. "You really wanna read a book with me?" Puro said as he calmed down a bit. "If so then of course! I would love if you would read with me!" Puro said as he kinda just realized what he said might sound different then he thought. "R-Really? Thanks!" Lin said excitedly, he was pretty happy that he would finally have the chance to relax with Puro and even read with him. "I'll look for a place for us to sit alright? And I'll make sure it's super comfy to." Puro said as he smiled, before quickly walking around looking for a good place for them to sit. "how adorable." Lin would mutter under his breath, before going a bit red. Puro would then happily walk up to Lin. "I have found the perfect place for us to sit!" Puro said cheerfully as Lin excitedly walked up to Puro. "Perfect! Where is it?" Lin asked. "Over here! Follow me." Puro said as he would start to walk ahead, Lin following him. Puro would open the door that led inside an abandoned apartment room, except this one somehow looked new, had food, and even two comfy bean bags, one small, and one big. "I'll allow you to sit on the big one L-Lin!" Puro would almost call Lin 'human' again before struggling to say his actual name. Relieved that he did. "Well w-what if. . .we both share the big o-one?" Lin asked going unnecessarily red, Lin instantly covered his face only hoping Puro didn't notice. "O-Oh well. . .sure! That sounds like a p-perfect idea!" Puro said, Lin hadn't really heard Puro stutter that much before, and even noticed Puro going a little red as well before Puro instantly attempted to cover this. Lin would slowly sit down by Puro on the big bean bag as Puro would grab the stack of books and set them on Lin's lap. "I want you to pick out a book! I think you'll choose a great one." Puro said happily as Lin went a bit redder. "Alright then." Lin said as he started to rummage through the stack of books, hoping to pick a book and have Puro like or even love it if he was lucky. "I'll pick. . .this one." Lin said as he pointed at the book, the books title was ''Dark and Light'' Puro seemed interested and smiled. "Great choice! I'm positive we'll both love this book! Especially me since you picked it." Puro now realized what he said and instantly went a little red, Lin on the other hand thought that this was cute and adorable. "T-Thanks Puro." Lin said as Puro would then happily open the book to it's first page, Lin would sit closer to Puro so he would have a better look at the book. And maybe because he wanted to, just a bit. Puro would pat Lin's head as Lin went red, eventually Puro and Lin started to read the book together. After a while Lin accidentally sat even closer to Puro, even laying his head on Puro's upper part of his chest, still reading. Puro couldn't even help it, he went super red and was secretly hoping Lin wouldn't see. Lin wouldn't notice, after all he was to busy reading and did that by accident, or did he? Lin would continue reading until Puro's tail would wrap around Lin. Making Lin blush and go red, Puro happily smiled. Lin would then start to get sleepy for reading for such a long period of time. "Puro?" Lin said as Puro looked at Lin. "Yes?" Puro said as Lin would go red again "D-Do you mind if I sleep here? Like t-this?" Puro went a little wide eyed and went a bit red. "O-Oh well sure! That's fine!" Puro said happily as his tail wrapped around Lin more. Lin once again couldn't help but blush as he slowly drifted to sleep, Puro smiled before continuing to read, eventually Puro fell asleep with his friend. . .well kinda, after all. . .Lin does feel something about Puro that is more then just a friend, maybe Puro agrees? Maybe not maybe yes. Who knows?

[Chapter 2 End.]

[Author's note: Heya everyone, sorry for updating the story so slowly, sadly school exist so I am gonna update this frequently. Yet slowly but I am definitely gonna continue this amazing series I thought of, and with that this is Alivia Komosuio signing off for now!]

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