Chapter 10: Sharp Pain

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. . . .Silience is all that filled the air, Lin couldn't believe it. Doctor. K, the one who helped them escape the facility without spreading the virus and also giving Puro a fake host, is also the one who is attempting to kill them? It didn't make any sense, why would he help them just to try to kill them later? Lin's mind went numb as Puro just stared in shock. "You know why I'm here?" The familiar voice of Doctor. K would say. "Yes, we need your help sir, the latex and the transfurred human are slipping right from our grasp. Your the only one we know that could possibly track them." The Leader would say, staring straight into Doctor. K's red eyes, Doctor. K gave the Leader a cold stare. "You couldn't terminate them?. . .Fine, I'll help since you and your allies are worthless." Doctor. K said with an angry huff, eventually pulling out what seemed to be some sort of device, upon activating it would let out a loud beeping noise as Doctor. K looked at it closely. "W-What is that?" Lin said, looking at the strange device from a distance. "I'm not sure, but I have a bad feeling about it." Puro said this as Doctor. K pointed straight at the building Lin and Puro were at. "They were there the whole time." Doctor. K said unammused. "You've got to be kidding me! They slipped right past us!-" The leader couldn't finish his sentence before Doctor. K cut him off. "Save your anger, we have a job to do." Doctor. K said calmly, slowly walking over to the building while the other Hunters ran inside. "H-How?!" Lin exclaimed. "I. . .I don't know. . ." Puro said. Puro then quickly grabbed Lin's hand as he made his way to the edge of the building, Lin gulping as he looked down. "P-Puro, what are you doing?" Lin said nervously as Puro would start walking to the left, carefully balancing himself and Lin so they wouldn't fall. "You'll s-see, just trust me." Puro said as he was starting to make his way behind the small room which the stairs were inside of, leading ontop of the building which they were on. "Of course." Lin said as he followed Puro, now hiding behind this small room with Puro. Only hoping that this would go as planned, the only thing to worry about was that weird device Doctor. K was using. Lin was starting to freak out again, having a small panic attack. Puro would hug Lin in an attempt to calm him down at the moment, they really had to be quiet as they could hear loud footsteps coming up the stairs. "Shhh, Lin it's a-alright we'll be fine." Puro said calmly before the footsteps stopped when they reached the top of the building. "What the? Where are they?!" One of the Hunters said, Doctor. K seemed fine as he once again pulled out the device. Lin briefly saw this and got a dumb, yet kinda good idea. He slowly would let go of Puro, taking a deep breath as he would carefully sneak behind one of the Hunters. The Hunter had a knife in their pocket and was facing forward like the other Hunters, Lin carefully grabbed the knife and threw it right at the device. Puro didn't have time to bring Lin back before this action happened, Lin ran back before the Hunters could turn around as Doctor. K's hand and the device was struck by the knife. Doctor. K didn't have a reaction, just pure silience before his eyes widened and he took the knife out. "Damnit!" He said as he gave all of the shocked Hunters a glare. "Who the Hell did that?!" Doctor. K yelled out of rage. "It wasn't one of us! There here!" A Hunter shouted. "Then find them damnit!" Doctor. K exclaimed, all of the Hunters looked behind the room which the staircase was inside of. It was the only hiding spot as they saw Lin and Puro. "Well look at what we have here." The Hunters said, Lin attempted to bolt away but the Hunters grabbed him and Puro, dragging them straight back to Doctor. K as he gave Lin and Puro a glare. "We meet again-" Doctor. K said before Puro shouted and cut him off. "Liar!! You said you would help us! Now you betray us?! Why?!" Puro yelled out in anger, Lin was surprised to see this. He's never seen Puro so angry before, but none the less agreed with him. "Exactly! Why?!" Lin shouted, Doctor. K would walk up to Puro, and stare straight into his eyes. "Did you really think that my experiment was over? I had better plans, I made a separate plan if my original experiment didn't work. If you escaped I would message the only people that I know outside of the facility to hunt and terminate you. Even if that didn't work I would just come out of the facility myself and track you down." Doctor. K said giving Puro his cold stare. "H-How?" Puro said as Doctor. K continued explaining. "That fake host that I made for you, that had a tracking device built into it to track you, maybe if you let the other experiment go then maybe he would live. But you didn't, didn't you?" Doctor. K said with a smug like smile on his face. "How could you?!-" Puro couldn't finish his sentence before Doctor. K cut him off. "Be quiet failed experiment, soon enough I won't need you anymore. I only need him." Doctor. K said as he pointed at Lin. "What are you gonna do to him?!" Lin shouted as Doctor. K gave him a glare. "You'll see." Doctor. K said this before pulling out what seemed to be a syringe, walking over to Lin. "Don't worry, this will only pinch just a little." Doctor. K said, before injecting the struggling Lin with the syringe. Lin felt tired and his mind went numb, things were becoming hazy as he could hear the faint shouts coming from Puro. Lin fell unconscious as Puro stared in shock, then instantly turned back towards Doctor. K as the Hunters would pick up Lin. "What did you inject him with?!" Puro cried out. "Relax, it's anesthesia. Nothing severe." Doctor. K said calmly, Puro was still mad, but decided to become calm to. He thought that maybe this would get him some more answers. "What are you gonna do to me now?" Puro said, actually giving Doctor. K a type of glare. "Failed experiment, you know exactly what I'm gonna do to you. You might as well accept it." Doctor. K said, Puro feeling nervous now, but there was something else he was feeling. . .it was anger. . .and he wasn't exactly gonna just let himself be killed. ". . .Do it then. . ." Puro said in a despair like tone, he had a plan. "Gladly." Doctor. K said, before signaling for the Hunters to grab Puro and lift him up on his feet, doing so the Hunters then looked back at Doctor. K. "Execute him." Doctor. K said as he crossed his arms. "Got it, boss." One of the Hunters would say, before grabbing his firearm and pointing it straight at Puro's head. . .Puro made his move, before the Hunter could shoot Puro would kick one of the Hunters that was holding him in the leg, then duck from the gunshot and kick the other Hunter. Puro then would bolt down the stairs, attempting to catch up with the Hunters that took Lin, Doctor. K didn't even have that much time to react, before running down the stairs after Puro. "You've got to be kidding me right now!" Doctor. K said, continuing to chase after Puro. Puro ran all the way to the bottom of the stairs, now spotting the Hunters near the Plaza area. Puro would instantly run over to the Hunters, without thinking at all he tackled one hard on the ground, and did the same with the other one. Holding him on the ground. They got hit pretty hard in the head since they were tackled on pure concrete, making them both now unconscious. Puro took a deep breath, standing up, but before he could pick up Lin he heard footsteps behind him. Turning around he saw Doctor. K. "Your not taking him away from me." Puro said with a glare, as Doctor. K gave a glare back. "Fine then, I'll just take him from your cold dead hands."

[Chapter 10 End.]

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