The Final Fight

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To win a battle, you must stay in it until the final round. The pinks went to sleep in a safe house while the night was still young. They couldn't sleep because they were worried about what would happen the next day. As Jennie walked around the room, Rosé and Lisa looked out the window to check if there were any zombies around.

"When are we going to attack?" Rosé asked.

"We start when the sun rises." Jennie said shortly.

"Why not now?" Jisoo wondered.

Jennie sighed, convinced that she is the only one who thinks about everything.

"Our chances of surviving the night are 50/50 if we engage now, because zombies are slower and more unstable in the morning." She explained.

"I agree. I've observed they're easy to kill when the sun's up, but difficult at night." Lisa added.

"They are stronger as a result of the darkness." Jennie says.

"Then it's settled, we shall start tomorrow." Jisoo said with a smile.

They kissed each other goodnight and went their own ways to sleep.


The pinks awoke at midday, dressed, and went to the nearest shop they could find. They made their own preparations, collecting sufficient equipment and weaponry as they prepared for their most risky mission yet.

"Most awaited question of the day, how are we going to get past those zombies and get out alive?" The one and only Rosé asked.

"You don't survive a zombie apocalypse unless you're a real badass, Chaeng." Lisa says firmly, a smug smile on her face.

"How does that even answer my question?" Rosé shook her head, palming her face internally.

Jisoo and Jennie appeared first, wearing the same fitted leather jumpsuits as them.

"You lookin' good, Kim Jisoo." Lisa grinned, a teasing look on her girlfriend's face.

"Now is not the time for that." Jennie said, her gaze narrowed at the maknae.

Lisa murmured, "Geez, I was only trying to boost your confidence."

"Well, guess what, you absolutely did." Rosé said, looking at a beaming Jisoo.

Jennie cleared her throat in order to get their attention.

"We must stick together no matter what in order to properly execute our plan." She remarked as Lisa raised her hand to speak.

"What's the plan again?" She asked innocently, rubbing her brow.

Jennie and Rosé groaned in disbelief, since Lisa will always be Lisa, zombie apocalypse or no zombie apocalypse.

"Our plan is to attract the guard's attention and get access to the main gate by killing as many zombies as possible." Jennie stated.

"Got it." Lisa says, nodding.

"What if we fail? What if they won't allow us in and we're stuck here forever?" Rosé begins to consider all possible outcomes.

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