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It's been two days, and the pinks are already in another strange district. Speaking of unfamiliar, it appears they misplaced their map while at the farm house. They're not sure which district they're in, and they're definitely lost.

"This place has a dark vibe." Lisa observed as they walked through the odd streets of the district.

Certainly, it has a gloomy atmosphere because all of the streetlights have collapsed and everything has been wrecked. It's easy to say that this unfamiliar area is chaotic.

"I don't like this place, can we get out of here?" Lisa asked, her voice unsure.

"Oblivously we can't, we totally lost our map, which is our only way of navigating this idiot zombie apocalypse." Jennie muttered.

"Besides, this place isn't that bad." Jisoo remarked, earning confused stares from her friends.

"What? I like weird things." She joked, winking.


They arrived in the district's central area, also known as the main district. Unlike the previous districts, this one did not appear to be peaceful. Everything was likely completely destroyed by the zombies.

"Ugh! Why is it so stinky here?!" Jisoo complained.

Rosé shrugged. "Probably because of all the dead bodies."

"Oh! Guys, we're in Gangbuk-gu district." Jennie said, pointing to a shop that advertises the area's name.

At the very least, they know where they are. Gangbuk-gu District is one of the 25 districts that compose Seoul. It indicates that they are now north of the Han River. The Han River divides half of the Districts. And the girls have apparently never gone to this part of Seoul before.

"Oh no. Not again." Jennie groaned, palming her hands in frustration as her members looked at her.

"What's the matter, wifey?" Rosé asked.

Jennie didn't say anything, instead pointing at a stray dog that had come from an alley in the corner. However, it's doesn't seem to be a normal dog.

"Guys, am I seeing things? I think the dog isn't a dog at all." Lisa widened her eyes, but her eyesight is weak despite her efforts.

"You're clearly seeing things." Jisoo said as the dog sniffed its way towards them and moved closer to the girls.

When they got a better look at it, they realized it wasn't a typical dog.

"Is it a robot?"

"Is it a chicken dog?"

"It's a freakin zombie dog!" Jennie exclaimed.

"Really?! Those things exist?!" Jisoo gasped, as Jennie, Lisa, and Rosé shook their heads in disbelief.

"I'm going to name it a Z-Dog." Lisa added.

They focused on the Z-Dog, which was only a few meters away and stood still, as if it was waiting for something.

"Why isn't it moving?" Lisa whispered.

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