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Jisoo's POV

"From where do chickens come?"

"Chickens originated in Southeast Asia, Miss Jisoo." The chicken man explained.

"Can I be a chicken man as well?" I pleaded, hoping he'd answer yes.

"Unfortunately, no." responded the chicken man.

"But I want to be a chicken man!" She exclaims.

"However, there is one method for you to become one, are you ready?" The chicken man said.

"OMG! Yes! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"

"You must––


"YAH! JISOO-YAH! WAKE UP!" Lisa yelled, ruining my wonderful dream.

As I buried my face farther beneath the pillow, I groaned in despair. I love her, but sometimes, well, usually, she just doesn't know how to be gentle in the morning!

"Jisoo Kim! Are you still alive?!" Lisa shouted, throwing a pillow on my head, and because she had ruined my sleep, I smashed the pillow back in her face even harder.

"OW! This is what I get for worrying about my lovely girlfriend." She said, rubbing her nose, which I had just hit.

"No, that's what you get for wrecking my dream! The chicken man was about to reveal his secret!" I exclaimed, ruffling my messy morning hair with my fingertips.

"Huh? Chicken man?" Lisa was confused, unsure what I had said.

"You wouldn't understand." I said as I stood up and walked to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

Lisa whispered to herself as she left the room, "Of course I wouldn't understand because I'm not frickin crazy with chicken!"


Third Person POV

"So, did you manage to awaken the sleeping beauty?" Jennie asked, earning a chuckle from Rosé, who sat alongside her.

"Yeah, guess what I got? A stinking nose bleed and a lecture about some chicken dude in her dream." Lisa muttered, her nose still dripping.

"Chicken what now?" Jennie questioned sharply because it was the first time she had heard the word.

Rosé replied, "A chicken man, wifey."

"Do you know about it, too? Did you turn crazy overnight?" Lisa wondered, her face confused.

"Actually, there was that one time when I tried to wake up Jisoo Unnie and ended up ruining her ideal dream about the same chicken man."

"Then she asked whether I knew anything about them, and I answered no, of course, and the next thing I know, she was lecturing me about chickens." Rosé shrugged.

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