Borderline Awaits

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It's unexpected. It's surprising that they were able to hike up the woods and gain a wide view of the dead city. The pinks discovered an abandoned cabin to spend the night in since it was either that or being devoured by mosquitoes and insects.

Lisa was awakened in the middle of the night by the smell of something burning. Her eyelids flickered and she was absolutely taken aback by what she saw. The windows were engulfed in flames, and the walls were collapsing. She panicked and began shaking her members' bodies in an attempt to awaken them from their deep slumber.


Lisa was in a panic and didn't know what else to do, while Jisoo and Rosé groaned in disapproval.



"Open your eyes, it's probably just a nightmare." Jennie said, her eyes still closed.

"EVERYONE, I'M BEING SUPER DUPER SERIOUS!!!" Lisa yelled angrily as everyone stood up and realized what the maknae meant.

"Shit!" Jennie spoke as she sprang out of bed.

Jisoo snatched the supplies as she grabbed their remaining weapons.

"Well?! What do we do? How do we get out?" Lisa asked frantically.

"Get up and start jumping out that window." Jisoo said, pointing to a partially burnt window nearby.

"B-But it's surrounded by flames!"

"So? There's no choice, just go!" Jisoo declared, but Lisa remained skeptical.

Jennie grew impatient, and she began pushing each of her members through the flaming window. They made it out safely, but with a few small burns on various parts of their body, which can always be treated.

As their girlfriends brought them some water, Jisoo and Jennie began coughing continuously because they had breathed too much smoke.

"That was a nice save, Jenduekie." Jisoo said, her voice slightly hoarse.

"Nice?" Lisa scoffed. "She physically shoved us out, and the flames almost burned my face!"

"At least she got us out before we got baked." Jisoo oddly grinned.

"Yeah, so you better be grateful and quit whining since Jennie rescued us. AGAIN." Rosé stated firmly.

Lisa groaned and turned to face Jennie, who was rubbing ointment on her ankle.

"Thanks, Jen Unnie, for always saving us and being the better Unnie." Lisa said humbly, earning a hard smack from Jisoo on the butt.

"What does that mean, Manoban? Do you think I'm not a good Unnie?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"That wasn't what I meant, babe, and you're now my girlfriend, so it's different." Lisa clarified.

"Well, if you keep saying things like that, you might not even have a girlfriend anymore." Jisoo stated fiercely.

They were startled when the cabin suddenly blew up, and burnt debris and cabin bits began flying out of nowhere as the pinks fled the area.

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