Subways and Bikes

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The morning had arrived, and the girls were preparing for a long journey ahead of them. But before they could continue their quest, Jennie had done some research and prepared a new plan, which they must discuss before leaving.

Jennie walked to the bathroom to see if she had forgotten anything. She was horrified when she saw a cockroach crawling on the floor and shouted at the top of her lungs before jumping on the closed toilet seat. She began to scream for help and even began to cry since she is terrified of insects.

Yeah, I know, she's not terrified of zombies, but of a little bug, right? Rosé hurried inside the bathroom to check what was going on after hearing Jennie's call for help.

"Jennie?! What's wrong?" Rosé asked, concerned, as she noticed a tearful Jennie standing on top of the toilet seat.

"COCKROACH!" Jennie yelled, pointing to the cockroach on the floor.

Rosé wasn't the sort of person who would be scared of a cockroach, but she would be terrified of flying insects. She looked at the bug, which began to fly around the room as she screamed loudly, just like Jennie, and jumped onto the toilet seat, joining her lover. They both began to scream because the cockroach was all over the place. Lisa rushed towards the bathroom when she heard the screams and went inside with her katana.

When she saw the frightened pair, she yelled, "WHAT?! Is there a zombie?!"

"KILL IT!" screamed Jennie, pointing to the cockroach that was now crawling on the wall.

When she discovered it was only a bug. Lisa exhaled a breath of relief since she had assumed it was a zombie attacking her friends.

She approached the cockroach and slowly poked it, but as it flew on top of her head, she broke character and flinched, throwing her arms in the air to shoo it away.

"LISA!" Rosé exclaimed.

"I SURRENDER!" Lisa cried out in fear, and she began to cry as well.

Because of a single flying cockroach, the three terrified pinks are now causing chaos inside the bathroom. Jisoo got impatient while casually waiting for her members in the living room.

She went to check on them after hearing all the screams from the bathroom. She hurried inside to see what was going on. She saw Lisa, Jennie, and Rosé, who were all terrified and standing on top of the toilet seat. Jisoo actually wanted to laugh, but their terrified expressions stopped her.

"What is this commotion?" She questioned calmly.

"Babe! COCKROACH!" Lisa yelled, pointing to the cockroach moving towards Jisoo.

Jisoo gazed at the bug as she stomped on it, squishing it to death.

"Thank you, Unnie! You saved us!" Jennie said, relieved.

"Our savior!" Rosé grinned.

"Can you all just woman up? It was only a cockroach." Jisoo responded.

"Oh please, babe, it's not like you're not afraid of grasshoppers." Lisa remarked, smirking.

"Well, that's completely different." She spoke defensively as she left the bathroom, followed by her members.

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