Freyja gets bullied

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Freyja woke up and yawned stretching out she woke up to a lick to the face Freyja jumped and heard cooing she opens her eyes and seen Nirdin hoping up and down on her bed she smiled and petting his head "shhh morning Nirdin " Freyja got up and Streched she grabbed her crown and put it on doing her daily little routine she had for herself and she was ready in a instant she turned and patted her leg 4 times "come Nirdin "
Nirdin chirped and jumped off the bed and passed along beside Freyja Freyja opens the door of her bed room stepping out nirdin in toe she smiled and he jumped and bounced on his feet he was giddy and spirited today Freyja loved it she walked to the halls and was met by the sight of her father and her mother eating breakfast the servants tending to them Freyja smiled Pythor looked up from what Freyja hmgjess was his morning tea or coffee being the age she was Freyja knew well what types of drinks her daddy the kind of snake enjoyed
Her mother y/n was drinking coffee and eating warm connimonnrolls on a gold platter
They smiled at their daughter as she came j tot heir view of sight the singing hall was warm per usual Freyja loved the warmth and happy feeling held in the palace walls for it was home
"Goodmorning Freyja it's breakfast sweetheart come sit and eat with me and your father " y/n said and poured Freyja a cold glass of milk Freyja nodded and sat beside her mother and father and the servants brought out her food Freyja smiled and thanked the female servants who bowed and walked away to tend to their jobs of cooking
Freyja smiled and dig into her breakfast what ever she did not eat she fed to Nirdin who happily gulped down whatever she deemed him suitable to eat Pythor shook his head "careful Freyja do not over feed him little princess " Freyja nodded y/n nodded as well
" eat you breakfast Freyja "
Freyja nodded "yes mama "once Freyja was done she held nirdin in her lap and petted him the royal famliy finished off their breakfast and now they were full y/n looked over to Freyja "sweetheart would you like to go into new njnjago with me and daddy we were going to go shopping and we want you to come and pick out some things and get to know the people of ninjago alittle "
Freyja's eyes lit up "I'd love to mama !"
Y/n smiled nirdin cooed and jipped
Y/n smiled as Freyja's eyes lit up brightly and clapped her hands Pythor smiled at his wife and daughter
|<that evening>|
Freyja smiled and held her moma y/n's hand as they walked to the taller bus the driver bowed to the king and queen as they came in he smiled a wide fanged smile at the little princess
Freyja smiled back and held nirdin to her who was excited to get out of the palace and city They got onto the rattler bus and headed to new ninjago y/n rested her head into Pythors shoulder he smiled and wrapped his tail around y/n as she napped Freyja smiled and looked outside the window her purple fusia glowing eyes widen as the bus left the huge arching sandstone gate to their home
Nirdin cawed and closed bobbing his heads and spinning small circles in his spot Freyja giggles silently and looked out and seen the scorching sand for miles and miles the chunks of brown rock litters the expansion of the dessert the bus soon came to the city of new ninjago hover cars zoomed anouve below and all around the buzz of AI and human technology filled the city robots and droids ect ever everywhere Pythor nudged y/n
"Love y/n sweetheart-wakey wake cupcakes and bakey -"
Y/n raised her head and streched yawning alittl and smiled kissing Pythor "hi oh good we're here " Pythor nodded both of them looked at their little Freyja who was awestruck at every little thing a hover car zoomed by really close to the bus and spooked Nirdin he squeaked and fell back and thudded of the plush cushions of the seat he growled and rolled and hissed Freyja shook her head "it's ok Nirdin no knee can hurt you I'm here " Freyja said sweetly and nirdin crawls onto her hold and nuzzled her y/n and Pythor got up and looked to their daughter and her friend "come
Freyja let go sweetheart " Freyja smiled and held nirdin and took her mamas hand with the other they got off the bus and the diver drove off he was already told the time to pick them up As they had wished the bus drove off
Pythor and y/n held hands Freyja set Nirdin down he cooed and spund around and yipped following her as she walked with her moma and daddy
Y/n and Pythor smiled and looked at the shops y/n asked Freyja what she wanted they walked around and went into shops Freyja looked all the clothes and outfits y/n smiled and pythor agreed on what looked nice
As y/n was speaking to the people to fold and bag up all the items Freyja walked around the store curious at every thing and one there suddenly one second Freyja was standing next she was on the ground Freyja let out a ~oof ~
She landed on her bottom she rubbed her back
Nirdin hissed and growled deeply
"What on orabors sacred ground-?"
"Hey get a load of her guys !"
Freyja gasped as she seen four boys standing befor her snarky rude looks on their faces
"Awww little snake girly gonna cry what a baby!"  Freyja sniffed looking at them
"I am not !" One of the boys snatched her crown from her head "oooo look at me am a snake girl with a stupid crown ooo I'm soo important!"

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