Volley ball

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Volley ball
Y/n sat on her extended chair on the side lines Freyja watched as her daddy Pythor her uncles and the ninjas all got into their positions to their side of the volley ball court Pythor smiled "wach a king show these njnja how the real players play volley ball "Pythor said smoothly acting like a hot shot to stroke his ego
The njnja shook their heads ready
The ball was in the air in a flash and Pythor smacked the ball. Zane deflected it skalidor smacked it to acidicus and it splashed onto the ninjas side
"Dang it !"
The ninja groaned
"Come on guys we can do this ninja go!"
Skales hissed and smacked the ball the ninja smacked it back fangtom interceptions it and smacked it high and it splashed into the ninja side once more
"Yay daddy's and uncle's!!" Freyja smiled happily calling and cheering for her famliy
"Y/n federal what it the score -my loveley?" Pythor asked y/n swallowed down her ice cream "serpentine team 2 njnja -0 " Pythor smiled nodding "thank u love " y/n nodded and laid back down on the bench to wach the game play out the serpentine ended up winning "good game everyone my I'm tired " Pythor hissed as he scrambled out of the pool drying himself off sitting and coiling around y/n and Freyja both his girls were warm blooded to him the ninja sat down with the genrals and other serpentine and talked befor heading home the servants arrived and cleaned the mess up y/n picked up Freyja who rubbed her eyes
"Mommy I'm not tired I wanna -I wanna stay up "
Y/n tsked
"Nono young princess of the serpentine tribes you must have your bed time to go to sleep to you are ready for the days to come now lets get you to bed " y/n hoisted Freyja over her back in piggy back style and as they passed the genrals Freyja opened her fusia eyes to look at her uncles they smiled and waved bye bye to her and bowed to y/n as she walked past and up the stairs the genrals went to their rooms y/n took Freyja to her room and put her to bed y/n sighed and turned around and walked along side Pythor as they left the room of their little princess to go to their own chamber to sleep the fun away
[note] hiss hiss eveyone sorry I haven't been updateing I've been very busy lately
But I'll do my best to make up for it .

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