Meeting uncles PART .1

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Freyja woke up to her new sister currently asleep wrapped in her side Hecate and Nirdin alseep on one another Freyja smiled and kissed her sisters forehead

"Good morning little sister-"
Aurora shook her head and rubbed her eyes as a 5 year old child would
"Huh waaaa  Freyja *yawn* what time is it ?"

Freyja smiled
"Noon mother and father sometimes don't wake us till later about this time but they must still be asleep "
Aurora nods
Their was a knock at the door
Calia pokes her head in
"Young princesses -ah good Morning young ladies what a wonderful day today "
Freyja smiles getting up and stretching out Aurora looked at the hipnobrai woman serpentine
Freyja notices
"Calia was mothers first servant to settle mother in when mother first came to ouraboris-she won't hurt you -if mother trust her and I do you can asure your safe little sister "
Calia nods setting the breakfast down for the girls she bows her head to the young snake human
"Yessss little one I met you mother what a wonderful person your mother the queen is you have quite a model girls"
Freyja smiles walking out dressed she hugged Calia

Who she grew to love as a nurse snake kinda or a grandmother snake to her growing up about Auroras age young under the pressure of royal expectation but scared to be a let down

"I look after you two as I took care and helped your mother her first time here -you both are of her and the kings lineages I shall safe gaurd you both "

Freyja smiled
"Thank you "
Calia smiles
"Yess princesses I bid you both good Morning the food is fresh as always I got you your favorite ..I must head to you mother now and lady Selma to check on them ..I'll see you later oooh and your uncles wish to meet your new sister Freyja "
Freyja smiles
"Oh ok "
Calia smiles at the little Aurora sliding off the bed and moved sleep-ly to her older sister holding her hand

"And you young princess will love it here I welcome you as dose all the palace as I told your mother the queen and older sister -you are safe and can never be more protected then in this safe gaurded place ..."
Freyja nods
And Calia made her way out closing the door behind her as she left

Freyja guided the some what awake sister to the giant wardrobe Aurora never had layer sleepy eyes on such fabulous silky soft elegant clothes

"Best thing being royal blood sis is we get nice things -but a lesson I learned mother and father say rule with a humble mind give to other as they give to you -a serpent royal lake to live by ... we do not grant about being all gloating and bleh about all we have we all are humble for what we have gain and what we can give -to our king and those who help our peoples"

Aurora nods
Freyja smiled finding a perfect anacondrai colored glitters with purple sequins along the arms
Aurora smiled
"I like that one sister "
Freyja smiled handing it to her
"Then you may have it what's mine is yours now and I will shower you and guide you beat I can-"
^the clock chimes ^
Freyja swiftly looks and gasps
"Oh no we're late -hurry let's get you prepped to meet uncles befor their meeting later on once it starts no interruptions are to happen it's considered very improper and rude

Aurora nods
Freyja helped her sister dress brushing her white hair putting a snake hair pin kn her hair to hold it in a bun strand of hair fanning her cheeks and Freyja opened a ivory box grabbing a small comb tiara /crown she placed it in her sisters hair she liked at her work

"There your ready sister -you look amazing "
Aurora turned to the mirror and barley recognized her own little self who was looking at her

"Oooooo I'm soooo pretty "
Freyja nods
Taking her hand "come one let's go "
Aurora nods firmly in agreement as her eldest /older sister guides her out of their shared room
They walked down the stone halls past a patrol of gaurds who bowed to the two young female princesses

"Your young highness and little highness "
Freyja nods
"Hello -good day to you four -"
The Constrictai and Venomari bow

they continue their walk into the great meeting halls
Servants flutters about a Venomari scribe helping uncle acidicus gather his notes fangtom bickering over what they were todo about land division

Skalidor sat pacient which suppised fr he usually was wanting to leave by now
Skales would be late of corse Selma would sternly scold him for lacking his ability as a leader

Father Pythor would come later after he was most busy then the other four and Freyja and y/n knew that all too well seeing him slouched over his desk nearly asleep wanting to be a good king he is and always would be
To them and the people he worked himself too much tho

Freyja smiled and stepped into the light
"Uncles !-"

The commotion in the room stopped
"Freyja what a honor to see you young princess what do we have the honor of this meeting -is there something you need sweet berry ?"
Acidicus asked his eyes flicker to the small child holding her arm

"Aaaaaand whoooo might thisssss be ?"
Aurora hid alittle acidicus flicked out his toung
"Anacondrai & a human -mmmmm seems serpentine are more adventurous thesessss days tho Pythor has not with another -"

Aurora looked confused but Freyja on ew what he spoke of and stopped him befor he fully explained the sensual sensitivity of that topic

"Nononono Uncle acidicus-actually this is my new sister her name is Aurora .she's like me mother and father brought her home yesterday "
Skalidor semi smacked acidicus on the should you shut him up
"Stop it your gonna scare the little pebble .."
Skalidor growls he moves acidicus from Aurora's pov and he fills her visible sight
Acidicus hissed deep and glared at the Constrictai
Aurora is amazed at his gauge yellow amber eyes

"Pretty ....yellow"
Skalidor chuckled deeply
"Thank you is uncle skalidor tiny rock it's nice to meet you"
He gently shook her small hand he smiled
Fangtom moved to his side
"Hello-I'm your-uncle ....fangtom "
Fangtom smiles bowing
"Your a sweet tart im glad have you in de famliy child ....we need more like you ...and your sister Freyja "
Aurora nods

Freyja smiled happy her sister was meeting their uncles
"You already know uncle Skales from last night -our uncles are the generals of the other tribes of serpentine that dwell here in our ancient city
... uncle acidicus is a Venomari.~acidicus bows~.... Uncle skalidor is a might honored Constrictai....(skalidor bows ) ...uncle fangtom is a fangpyer he and his twin can turn old machines into serpentine vehicles with just a drop of venom or a small bite ....they even can turn humans ::: Butt they don't do that "

"We do not harm humans it is forbidden unless consent is given and the human wishes to be of our kin ...other wise it is against our laws we have forbidden turning humans other wise "
Fangtom explains while bowing his heads

The genrals looked to Freyja "has she met the human sister of her family yet ?"
Freyja shook her head
"I thought sense you were here and you all have a meeting soon Id show her to you all first "
The generals nod
Skalidor took her other tiny hand and slithers along side Freyja "I think itsssss time you meet your uncles the ninjassss your aunt misako and auntie nya -and grandpa Garmadon.."
Aurora smiled
Happy she had sooo many new faces and people to meet she has a big famliy that loves her she couldn't ask for more

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