Helping the princess

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Freyja sat in her cell board as could be with nothing todo till she heard the door open
She hissed and jump alittle bearing her serpentine human like fangs at whoever was comeing in her cell it was the two cult guards
"Hissss what do you want stay away from me !"
Dasketha , Lashpa shook their head "quiet little princess we shall help you when we signed up to become anacondrai we didn't sign up to abduct children and hurt otherssss "
Freyja looked at them lashpa slitherd in and held out his hand "no tricks we give you our solid promise " lashpa hissed "but we must hurry we know we're your father and mother shall be when we switched gaurd duties we contacted them they shall meet ussss and we shall give you back to your rightful home "
Freyja nodded
"Ok I trust you "Freyja moved silently along the caverns with Dasketha & Lashpa both held spears just incase they had any confrontation with their fellow cultist this was wrong and both Dasketha , Lashpa won't stand for it
They crept to the edge of the cultist camp and made their way out into the night in the sea of sand the moon was bright up in the sky
The desert was cold the wind blew the shifting dunes gently in the wind Dasketha pulled out a walkie talki "we have her "
Freyja scanned the area her being serpentine half she could see in the dark like her full serpentine blooded kin their was a thumping sound and a churring growl and grunts filled the air softly fire looked seeing her father Pythor and mother y/n rideing nirdin who was his full size as a metallic hydranoid the ninja with them as was their master wu and uncle lloyd in their elemental vehicles
Dasketha , Lashpa slitherd to meet them Freyja. Moved swiftly "father Pythor mommy y/n-oh eveyone!" Freyja dashed to them and was wrapped in warm embraces and sweet loved words and praise filled then serpentine human princesses ears "oh my daughter let me look at you " Pythor looked his daughter over not finding anything wrong thank the serpentine elders for that y/n kissed her daughter happily in her face "oh Freyja we were all so worried about you honey fangs"
Freyja nodded hugging her mother "I knew you all would come "
Pythor looked to Dasketha , Lashpa narrowing his eyes but nodded in a 'thank you ' mutual respect way showing his thanks
It was a touching moment till hissed shouts were heard
"The girls gone !"the anacondrai cultist Gaurds hissed in alarm
"Find her !!"the others in the camp hissed out
Dasketha , Lashpa gasped looking back then at the others and at Freyja "all of you take her home !"
Freyja shook her head look sadly at  Dasketha , Lashpa "Dasketha , Lashpa no come with us !" Freyja said moving to hug their torsos "a kind gesture for such a sweet thing of you but no —/—knowing you are where you belong is all we both need at the moment you need to be with you famliy now go little one go!"
Dasketha gently pulled her off and moved her into her fathers arms they all mounted up and swiftly rode away Freyja looked back seeing
Dasketha , Lashpa getting captured by their own men and dragged away Freyja made a mental note she would help them because they had helped her she would do the very same .

Ninjago: serpentine X female reader Where stories live. Discover now