Pythor's proposal

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-deep emotion between you and Pythor in this chapter ~you might tear up enjoy everyone
The air was cool but warm on th brisk bright morning in new ninjago Y/n walked happily with Pythor down the streets of new ninjago the sun was shining above them it was a beautiful wonderful day Pythor looked at y/n she was astonishing in his eyes y/n caught him stareing at her "w-what Pythor ?" Y/n said blushing Pythor smiled a fanged smile as he moved his white scales glinted in the bright light of the sun "oh nothing love just looking at a beautiful, striking ,elegant young girl I'm so very very lucky to have "
Y/n bumped him gently in a loveing way
"Pythor stop flattering me !" Pythor shook his head hissing happily at her "no no love now I'm not wrong and don't dare deny my facts my dearest " Pythor took her hands in his and looked at her pulling her to the side y/n looked at him his red eyes bright "Pythor I'm a human I'm not the one you should want" Pythor came closer to her and softly hissed near her ear hugging her close to him "were you not the one who told me a month ago that you loved me and didn't care -oh what was it you said -oh yes yes I remember now. You said 'human snake white scales or purple that it didn't matter it'ssss not about the outside the look the cover itsss the heart right love ?'" Pythor hissed kissing her neck makeing y/n shudder at his touch his fangs  pressed to her skin but she nodded in agreement "ok ok I agree thank you Mr,tape recorder for reminding me what I said "Pythor scoffs at the remark he smiled and kissed her forehead and pulled her gently back out into the some what busy street it wasn't too busy but had a few people out of their homes mostly heading to work on the fine morning Pythor moved and intertwined his hand with hers she smiled and glanced at him they walked by a tea /coffee shop it was open she stopped and smiled glancing to Pythor
"you want a tea Pythor there half off today ?"Pythor smiled kissing her hand then swiftly her cheek nuzzling her "you know me too well love -very well if I get something ,I'll buy you your coffee ☕️ love win ~win " y/n nodded "deal Pythor" Pythor looped his arm with hers as a gentleman or gentlemanly snake anacondrai he was and slithers in with y/n beside him they stood infront of the counter and looked at the menu of teas and coffee all half off and well priced y/n bought Pythor his earl grey tea and Pythor bought her favorite coffee the lady nodded and Pythor whipped out his money and paid for the cofee y/n paid for his tea the tendant took the cash and smiled "it'll be out in a sec -by the way you make a great couple " both of them froze y/n was bright red stuttering a little and mumbled to her self along the lines of a small thank you to the woman behind the counter before turning around and walked to a booth seat by a large window to sit Pythor smiled nodded "she's just shy -thank you for the compliment miss "
Pythor slithered over to y/n seeing her flustered she looked anywhere but at him
He seen she was nervous Pythor hated it he wanted her to be a ease relaxed today was their day together their time away from their hassles life threw at them so he moved and placed his hand on hers y/n froze and looked up at him he looked at her intently his eyes full of love his snake toung flicked from his fanged lips the sun from the window illuminated y/n's hair making her glow beautifully like a angel Pythor sighed and moved his free hand to gently tucking a loose strand behind her ear "such a darling beauty how did I come to be so lucky to have you ~love you are and shall be the only one in my heart forever you have stolen my heart love " Pythor said his eyes looking her over admiring her the shop was warm and smelled delicious with the aroma of tea and coffee in the air and it was romantic and it was part of pythor's natural smell what he smelled like y/n always remembered he smelt like'old books and tea or coffee -tea mostly when coffee wasn't available if they were anywhere els like at home ' y/n smiled she felt better now he always knew just how to calm her he knew her well after all the times they'd had sense they met long ago y/n smiled and gave pythor's hand a gentle squeeze y/n was glad they came across one another and he'd asked her to come and she agreed soon the waitress came and handed Pythor and y/n their drinks pythor and y/n thanked the waitress as she left them Pythor smiled y/n and Pythor talked alittle befor Pythor spoke up
"love ~y/n dear" Pythor ran his clawed fingers gently over her soft hands y/n looked to Pythor smileing takeing a drink of her coffee "yes Pythor what is it ?" Y/n asked Pythor smiled "I know a place we can enjoy our drink more better "
Pythor said he smiled as y/n nodded and her eyes lit up "ok sure lead the way my dearest king of snakes" Pythor nodded and got up from the booth holding his tea in his left hand y/n's hand in his right he opens the door with his tail letting y/n go first he followed suit he prayed Skales had placed the ring box well hidden in the picnic basket so y/n wouldn't see till after he'd came out about his feelings for her
Y/n looked around "umm Pythor lead the way were are we gonna go ?"
Pythor smiled kissing her forehead "it's a surprise love if I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it dear "
She smiled "if you tell me I'll act surprised pythor " pythor chuckld "Hehe no no nice try love no -come along this way but first love do you trust me " Pythor asked y/n looked at him she nodded "of corse Pythor " Pythor nodded and kissed her befor he pulling out a blindfold and showing it to y/n who let him put it on her he held her hand and guided her along with him the closer he got the more pythors heart thudded in his chest at the nervousness and excitement a few moments passed and soon Pythor was leading her up to the crest of the surprise "Pythor can I take it off now " y/n asked curiously Pythor sighed "yes love were here take it off dear " y/n took off the blind fold and gasped seeing a large valley over looking the lands ninjago the sun raising over the lush green hills y/n smiled seen a pic nick basket near the giant strong tree on the hill they were on "on my Pythor this is amazing did you do this for m-me" y/n glanced around her eye landing in Pythor ,Pythor nodded and took her hands tenderly leading her near the basket to sit down "love as king I shall get the food out for you ok agreed"
Y/n nodded "ok fine with me " y/n said admiring the view Pythor nodded and got out the food sandwiches and meat some popa soda sparkling water ect . Y/n smiled and dug in after Pythor got his Pythor filled the glasses and he held it up to hers clinging them together "to us love " Pythor smiled hissing happily y/n giggled giveing him a nod "to us Pythor " y/n and Pythor both drank their beverages and ate their meal befor Pythor coiled around her letting y/n lay against him listening to his heart beating she stroked his white scales they were smooth and glassy feeling cool to the touch they just were enjoying each other's presence to have and hold one another once again for so long sences they had been apart awhile back and they had caching up todo y/n kissed along pythors snout along his head he sighed contently letting her embrace him and allowing himself to feel the love y/n was giving and gracing him with to Pythor it's a blessing to have y/n "this is wonderful Pythor "pythor nodded and then seen she wasn't looking he snagging the ring box from the basket and hid it in his hand as y/n looked out at the sun rise "oh yes but I know how to top this wonderful morning off love ~" y/n felt him shift and move away she nodded "oh ok how s-Pythor what are you doing " Pythor hissed happily feeling y/n looking at him 'this was it here he goes ' Pythor took a beep breath he had been practicing this for awhile by himself what he'd say how he's propose to the girl he adored now he just had to set it free
[pythors explanation for his love for y/n]
"Y/n -we have been together for some time over these many years in ninjago ,been though good times and bad and even though I'm a serpentine a anacondrai -you do not fear me and I'm glad you don't love ,you of all people show me love when everyone els in this lands of ninjago sees me only as a monster as for all the wrongs I have done to them in this land but you -do not- in my darkness you are my light to guild me love your the reason I'm here now -before you dearest there is never a second you are not in my mind ,Thoughts or heart or that I see you in whatever I do and think to myself
'oh y/n would enjoy thisss' there shall never be a mere moment that I will not protect you from harm love thisss I promise nothing man or beast shall harm you while I'm still of anacondrai blood and a general though not fully "king"Anymore of the Serpentine but still I shall guard you with my life love I'd die for you if it was necessary I do so love you shall always be my be my very first top priority and I second to that -y/n dearest you are just so perfect and so with all this in mind I want to ask you a question love " y/n smiled at him nodding "yes Pythor "Pythor reveled the box not black but velet purple y/n's hands flew to her mouth in shock tears streamed down down her cheeks as he opens to reveal the purple and white diamond ring to her
"marry me y/n -pleas love won't you ?"
Y/n sobbed trying to contain her emotion but failed "yes yes yes Pythor I shall marry you " Pythor smiled "oh love thank you~" Pythor slithered to y/n and slipped the ring in her slim wedding finger the purple and white diamonds gleamed in the light Pythor coiled around y/n "I love you " y/n said looking at him Pythor looked at his bride to be "I love you more love " y/n tackled him and they shared a passionate kiss in the warmth of the sun on the hill over looking ninjago and now they were to be married 💜💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️🐍🐍👍👍🥰😍😘😂🤣⭐️⭐️

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