the lost city of oroborus

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[y/n] slowly walked beside pythor and skales both holding her hand .she felt like I was a dream but no .. it was this was reality . They can up a grassy hill to a serpentine rattler copter the pilots waiting for them the rest of the serpentine vanished through the cave they'd made .the sliding door opened skales slitherd in first and coiled up in a chair ,pythor smiled and slitherd into the copter he turned his head motioning for [y/n] to come in " come in love come- along now dear "
[Y/n] nodded a small smile on her lips she gently took pythors hand as she stepped in all the other serpentine that were in the copter puffed up defensive and hissed a her bareing their fangs and glared at her not expecting to see a human with them pythor hissed so did skales who flared and puffed up his hood " that's enough all of you she's our guest you will treat her with respect or else got it !" Pythor bellowed to the serpentine in the copter Skales rattled his Tail defensively his red swirled eyes bright  the three or four serpentine backed down listening to the genrals
[y/n] found herself lached onto pythors arm he looked down at her and nuged her to the seat between skales and him once
[y/n] sat down skales looked at her his tail coiled around her protectively pythor did as well [y/n] seen pythor looking at a map leading to several locations [y/n] looked at it carefully not wanting to be rude or nosie
Pythor noticed [y/n] moved and looked away pythor turned it so she and him could both see it with a smile on his fanged lips "what is this map for pythor "
[y/n] said her eyes skimming over the map her finger gently taceing the pictures
Pythor chukeld " thisss map leads to the four silver fangblades love ..." [Y/n's] eyes widened " the legendary four silver fangblades ..the ones made from the great devours teeth ?"
Pythor nodded " the very same yess " "wow "[y/n] said amazed her head turned to the one skales held in his hand "and that's one them ?" [Y/n] said stareing a it's blue aura glowing and shining magnificently . Pythor nodded
" Yess " he turned the map back to look at it himself to continue to look at it .[y/n] leaned back agianst the soft chair her eyes looked out the window and at the city of ninjago soon she seen sand only scorching sand "pythor were are we going " [y/n] said relaxing in her cushioned chair letting the cool air of the a/c in the rattler copter blow over her she seen skales smiling at her pythor was as well
[Y/n] asked curiously looking at the anacondrai then skales
" oroborus my love " [y/n] gasped " the lost city of oroborus "
Pythor and skales nodded " yesss dear it'll be a awhile before we get there and love you look exhausted get some ressst me or skales will wake you when we arrive " pythor said in his smooth British voie [y/n] didn't want to sleep but her body did feel heavy and her eyes were heavy she tired to stay away . Skales nuged her moveing to her ear " sssleep..little mouse sleep "
With that [y/n] was sound asleep happily in the coils of pythor and skales .
|a couple of hours later|
[Y/n] woke up to someone gently nugeing her she hear a gentle hiss near her ear makeing her shiver alittle
" Ssss little mouse little mouse wake up..hey come on little mouse  ." [ Y/n] slowly woke up blinking her eyes awake from their blurryness she looked around the rattler copter was landed
" Mmmm (yawn) skales were are we " [y/n] said still trying to wake up from her long sleep
Skales smiled his red swirled eyes looked at the sleepy human " were in oroborus little mouse we made it "
[Y/n] swiftly woke up at the sound of that " were here were in oroborus " skales nodded he got up stretching his coils out and stretched his arms up before bringing them back down he looked at [y/n] smileing a fanged smile he extended his hand to help her up [y/n] was alittle wobbly but skales helped her balance holding her gently up she smiled up a him " come on little mouse.. let's get going " [y/n] nodded and followed skales as he slitherd out of the rattler copter her hand in his .as [y/n] stepped out of the rattler copter the sun hit her it was very hot and blinding bright it took a second for her eyes to adjust then she was ok a second later [y/n] looked around she heard and seen serpentine in the magnificently crafted streets serpentine venders selling goods serpentine language being spoken all around her she was at awe  this was truly a dream come
true skales shook his head and smiled a fanged smile as [y/n] was looking around her surroundings like a child to something shiney . " What do you think little mouse ?" Skales asked giveing her hand a gentle squeez to get her attention
" It's beautiful amazing and everything though it would be skales "[y/n] said excitedly looking at him skales nodded flicking his snake toung out involuntary [y/n] looked around "skales were did pythor go ?"
[Y/n] asked looking for the charming anacondrai general she loved as well as skales .skales looked around "he's probably at the palace little mouse " skales points to the elegant crafted palace of limestone glittering in the sun's hot rays of light . [Y/n] nodded and followed skales as he slitherd down the path ways through the serpentine market
Along the way serpentine glanced at her some glared makeing [y/n] move closer to skales he looked at them and they'd looked away " don't worry little mouse no one will hurt you ever asss long as I have you " Skales hissed gently down to her and continued to slither as [y/n] walked beside him. Soon they stopped as they came apon the palace doors two constrictai gaurds posted gaurding it they bowed to skales looking at [y/n] for a second before opening the door for them .skales slitherd in holding
[y/n's] hand [y/n] was amazed at the interior of the palace golden stone arch ways tapestries decorating the halls glowing stones glowing bright lighting the halls [y/n] also seen serpentine servants in the palace they bowed to skales as they past them . Soon they ran into pythor pythor slitherd up to them " ah there you two are I was wondering when you'd both get out of the rattler copter . ...hello love " pythor moved takeing her hand and kissing the top of it .
[Y/n] blushed at that " come along dear well show you around the palace " pythor took her hand gently along with skales and they both slither with her down the corridors pythor and skales showed her everything their was in the palace the library were stone shelves held acient scrolls and books and books about serpentine and oroborus and More . After while they came to the meeting room as they entered they seen the other genrals at the stone table they all looked up and over seeing pythor and skales and [y/n] pythor looked at them all so did skales acidicus got up from the stone chair uncoiling his long emrald tail slithering to pythor and skales and [y/n]  " pythor the meeting was a hour ago why did you up and leave and make uss wait and skales were have you been as well ..and ...w-whossss thisss?" Acidicus hissed gently looking down at [y/n] who blushed at the venomari pythor and skales pushed her into view both smiled happily "thisss  sweet thing is [y/n] acidicus"
Acidicus looked at [ y/n] with his four golden yellow venomari eyes " hello sweet flower " acidicus bowed his head to her then kissed her hand [y/n] blushed red " it's nice to miss you as well acidicus " [y/n] said acidicus smiled then turned to slither back to the stone meeting table  pythor slitherd up to [y/n] and gently placed a hand on her back " come dear come and sssit with us and you can meet the others ok" [y/n] nodded and allowed pythor to guide her towards the stone table skales sliher to his seat coiling around his chair getting comfortable . Pythor sat [y/n] at the seat between him and skales all the genrals eyes were now on [y/n]
She looked at each of them pythor cleared his throat the gestured to [y/n] " everyone thisss is [y/n] she's our guest here I want you all to tell everyone in your tribes  to make her feel welcome "  the generals nodded pythor then went to introduce all of them "[y/n] this is acidicus the venomari genral skalidor the constrictai general the red two headed one is fangtom the fangpyer general you know skales and I'm of course pythor"  [y/n] nodded smileing " it's nice to meet all of you" [y/n] said sweetly
" You asss well [y/n].." they hissed
"Shesss pretty " skalidor said leaning on his had on the table all dreamy eyed fangtom beside him nodded " I agree ..on that skalidor she is... beautiful. "
"She's the prettiest human I've ever see that's for sure " acidicus hissed " she's such a sweet little mouse " skales said and pythor smiled " she's quiet darling" [y/n] felt so flattered by all the compliments she was getting she eyed each of the serpentine genrals they all were so hansom to [y/n]
Pythor and the rest brought the attention back towards the meeting they were supposed to have pythor looked at each of the genrals then looked at skales
" skales show them " skales nodded bringing the fang blade out and set it on the table each of them hissed in awe and excitement " the first fangblade " acidicus hissed
" one down ..three  .. to go" fangtom said his heads looking from the fangblade to [y/n] now and then
" Weres the next one pythor ?" Skalidor said looking at him pythor looked up " if I read the map right it should be in a pyramid  in the sea of sand not far from here " skalidor nodded
" tommorow we can get it for now the day grows late let uss turn in shall we all . "
" Uuuh wait a minute were isss [y/n] going stay ?" Skalidor asked curious looking at [y/n] they all looked at [y/n] then pythor turned to phone near the table and punched a number in it rang then picked up "this is calia how may is serve you ?" "ah yess calia would you be a dear and come here please we need your assistance" " oh yes of course king pythor right away sir "
Pythor hung up pythor smiled at [y/n] then stroked her cheek turning his head to look a the other " [y/n] will stay in our section of the halls were each of ussss will be able to keep her at arms reach dosssse that sound good everyone about you love do you like that or would you like it  " pythor asked turning to [y/n]  who nodded in agreement with a smile on her face the five genrlas of the serpentine were giveing her her own liveing quarters in the genrals hall were she'd be able to see each and all five of them of course it was ok with her how ever could she refuse a amazing offer and chance like that . .
" Yes I would love that "[y/n] said happy to them all pythor and all the genrals gave her fanged smiles . Just then a female servent serpentine came in the meeting room closing the door bowing to the genrals " you call my king ?" Pythor got up they all did " yess calia pleas take [y/n] to the room in the generals hall pleas make Sure she is comfortable and tend to her every need pleas and inform the srvents they are to obey her and get her what every she wishes understood " calia looked at [y/n] bowing to the genrals and nodded " yess my Lord thiss way miss " calia motions for [y/n] to follow her [y/n] looked back at the genrals as pythor gently moved her forward but as he did he kissed her cheek shocking
[Y/n] "I'll see you later my love " pythor wispered to her makeing her shudder . Skales slitherd over " bye little mouse see you in awhile "skales kissed her neck nuzzling her , skalidor slitherd to her and gently coiled around her hugging her kissing the top of he head " night sweet thing I'll come visit you later ok" [y/n] nodded skalidor uncoiled from her .
Acidicus slitherd up and smiled kissing her hand " night sweet flower till later " acidicus hissed gently lastly was fangtom who hugged her and both twin head nibbles her neck gently and careful not to bite her they kissed her neck and said in a quiet wisper " goodnight.. beautiful little ..[y/n] we will ...see you later on tonight ok you ..go now " fangtom moved her with his long red and white and black tail and they wached as [y/n] disappeared out of the meeting room to follow calia to were she was going to live . [Y/n] had never been more happier in her life at this moment .

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