The cultist Prt 2

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[snakegirl112]} [~This will be in parts everyone I hope you all evenly Pythor and y/n are on their way and Pythor will use nir to get Freyja back ~]
Freyja woke  up groggy as can be her head throbbing in agonizing pain . She opened her eyes slowly and blinked away her  blurring vision ."ahhh wakeie wakie little princess rise and shine " Freyja shook her head and seen a old /slightly old man infront of her her look like anacondrai but -human what in the world had happened "who are you ,what do you want with me !" Freyja hissed glareing at the man
"Oh how rude on me I'm lord Chen I'm a very old friend of your father -just kidding no I'm not me your father and mother have a very long history together not a good one of corse tragically-I'm the leader of the anacondrai cultist and your little thing are my hostage " Freyja growled at the man Chen moved and patted her cheek Freyja hissed and bit his hand
"Owch spitefully gifted aren't we -I see a lot your your mother in you and a bit of your father in you as well -standard "
Freyja hissed and went to move only to see she was tied up in chains and rope "hisssss what untie and unchain  me !" Freyja glared at Chen
"Tsk tsk tsk struggles will not help you dear I'm afraid -oh and to answer your previous asked question what do I want with you ~ I want revenge on your parents for causeing me so much trouble if anyone is to rule ninjago it's me ,me ,me - not them and this peace between human and serpentine ack ~horrible I plan to break that trusts and peacessss" Chen hiss slithering around
Freyja gasped "NO you can't my father king Pythor the king of serpentine & queen mother y/n queen of the serpentine will stop you ! "
Chen chuckled shaking his head "oh your so young and so foolish you have a lot to learn little one "
"Im not little first off and second I'm the princess of the serpentine & human peoples I demand you let me go !" Freyja hissed and glared darkly at Chen .Chen laughed "oh how rich no sorry not gonna happen " Freyja hissed she knew he was toying with her like a game of human chess .freyja relaxed not wanting to waste her energy on fighting . Chen nodded "ah see -good girl now you stay put and do not cause trouble -I'd hate to kill you so soon" Freyja jumped around that sentence "kill me do you relies  the penalty for killing an royal and not to mention I'm a anacondrai himan princess at thisss of the serpentine and humans my father will never stop chaseing you Id you kill me my moma as well they will hunt you to the ends of ninjago to get you for harming me !" Freyja hissed Chen nodded "mmmmm think what you will -now I'm off !" Freyja hissed "you wait just a slither pit second I'm not through taking with you ! -hey hey !" Chen ecnored Freyja just as Chen was about to leave the door he called 2 gaurds "Dasketha , Lashpa watch the little thing I have things todo don't let her out of your sight " the cultist bowed "yesssss lord Chen as you comand " with that Chen left the room the two gaurds slitherd  and stood near Freyja,Freyja seem they held purple bladed Spears Freyja gulped alittle "hey let me go and maybe I'll talk to my father and mother about sparring you both for helping me " Freyja tried to reason with them "quite !" Dasketha hissed Freyja flinched and sighed scooting and getting comfortable she looked up at the hold in the room and prayed her father and mother were in their way .

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