Telling the others

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(Note )~Y/n and the generals got a up grade from the small apartment in ninjago so now
y/n and the generals live in a nice big pen house apartment kind of like the ninja did ~for saving new ninjago
Y/n and Pythor walked home after they cleaned up and bringing the basket with them Pythor would not stop talking endlessly on how glorious it was y/n had said yes and now all y/n heard was "we will hoast it in oroborus yes we'll have a splendid cake you can pick it dear ,we will have it in the slither pit arena decor on the walls lavish and dazzling what would you want to be beverages of choice love ? Skales and the genrals can be the best men and you can pick you brides maids dear to dress you oh love I'm so happy you've made me the happiest anacondrai ever I'm excited " Pythor went on and on the closer to the apartment Pythor picked her up and spun around y/n let out a yelp of surprise as he opens the door as he enters he shut the door with his tail careful not to drop the basket Pythor sat the basket on the table nearby both laughing Pythor set her back down the genrals slitherd into the large open living room
"what is with all the- commotion in here? -about time you got home ."Fangtom asked looking at the two acidicus spoke up he looked over y/n from his spot makeing sure she was ok and not hurt his yellow eyes flicked to Pythor then to y/n "were have you been missy and Pythor your realize how late it issss we were worried and about to go looking for you "
Acidicus mainly was talking to y/n not Pythor
Y/n smiled shrugging laughing acidicus shook his head *acidicus had trust isssues still with Pythor * "y/n why is your face red ?" Skalidor asked looking at her Skales had a smile and grin on his face of corse Skales knew the secret he was the one who hid the ring box for Pythor so he could make his move to ask y/n to marry him 💍
y/n held pythors hand smileing and took a deep breath before looking back at the four other serpentine before her and Pythor
"Boys me and Pythor are getting -MARRIED "
Y/n said happily showing the ring on her finger to them it glinted in the light of the apartment pen house the genrals were silent for awhile and just stared at the ring on y/n's and it started to worry her "b-boys Fangtom ,skalidor ,acidicus ,Skales you ok pleas say something" they snapped out of it and they hugged her Fangtom spoke looked at her patting Pythor on the shoulder "congratulations you two -you better let us help plan it -we are so happy for you sweetie dear y/n" Fangtom said looking at them smiling a fanged smile to the two Pythor nodded chuckling "we were planning to allow you to help us plane the wedding boys Yess" skalidor nodded moving and getting his hug him being a Constrictai it's his specialty but he was gentle not to hurt pythors bride "he'll make a great mate for you y/n I'm happy that your happy and he makesss you happy is all that I assssk for y/n after all that you both have been though you deserve a life together "skalidor patted Pythor on the back
Skales slither to y/n hugging her "I'm happy for you two glad he pulled it off and didn't mess up" pythor shook his head "thank you Skales for that I wouldn't have pulled it off without you my friend " Pythor said nodding acidicus was last y/n could see the internal struggle he held within him between lines of he loved and cared her as they all did but The others let it slide that Pythor had preposed to her asking for her hand in marriage and were not angered and wanted her to be happy acidicus would swallow this down and deal with it he would not want to upset y/n and ruin her happiness which is the worst thing and man or snake could do and he wouldn't start and couldn't bring himself to do it to forbid her to be with him he just couldn't and now he slitherd over to them his eyes staring at y/n his mouth set in a tight lined grimace "I-I'm happy for you b-both -Pythor you make sure and treat her as royalty as queen of snakes as she already is  give her a life she's never had spoil her like a precious jewel in the sea of sand you spoil her she deserves it after all- you of all serpentine can surely do that " acidicus hissed and slithered up and takeing y/n's hands kissing them and hugging her trying to keep himself together from falling apart he pulled away and gave y/n a fanged smile looking to Pythor and nodded patting his shoulder
"You've but got my blessing- I wish you the besssst and eternal happinesssss in this life " acidicus said and slithered and went off into the back of the room his room he was tired  Fangtom skalidor and Skales bid the lovers goodnight and went into their  rooms in the pen house and Pythor smiled looking down at y/n turning her to him his eyes glowed in the darkness bright and red he kissed her and they went to their room y/n pulled away from Pythor to get ready for bed doing her nightly routine of brushing her teeth changing into her night clothes discarding her outfit and slipped on her pajamas that were silky and smooth against her skin y/n brushed her hair leave ing it down for the night and then as she walked out turning the light out the floor cold to her bare feet she seen Pythor already in bed coiled up under the blankets his eyes glew bright the soft ghostly moonlight from the window made his scales glow y/n smiled and walked and climbed in the bed snuggling into her to-be husband Pythor nuzzled her hissing and kissing her she wrapped her arms around him he did the same pulling her closer his long white tail coiled around her under the warm blankets his heart beat swiftly in his chest as she laid her head to his chest like she did previously this morning y/n smiled sighing contently happy Pythor was here  she felt Pythor running his claws through her hair making her shiver it felt nice "goodnight my 'bride to be 'my love -"  Pythor hissed in a low husky voice near her ear y/n smiled
"good night my dearest 'to be husband ' I love you more " y/n and Pythor  shared one last passionate kiss befor Pythor pulled back and laid his head on top of  hers on a pillow and his breathing slowed and he fell asleep y/n following suite and both fell into a dark and deep peaceful sleep happy in each others embrace 💜❤️💜❤️🐍🐍👍👍
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