Chapter 5: Suspicious Minds.

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What does Cononel Haley planning on doing with the alien? And how will the alien reveal the Flash and Supergirl's identities?

It was night. Barry and Kara were in bed asleep. Krypto was at the foot of the bed. Kara was tossing and turning. She was uncomfortable. Kara then let out a sudden scream of insufferable pain. "Ahhhhhh!". Barry and Krypto woke up. "Kara? Kara, what's wrong?" he asked. Kara was panting heavily. "The, the baby. I think it cracked a rib. It's crushing me" she said. Kara was crying. She was in unimaginable pain. "Okay okay. I'm here, Kara. I'm always here. Just breathe" Barry said. Kara took deep breaths in then out. She calmed down.

"Sorry for worrying you" she said. "No, it's fine. It shouldn't be too long now, don't you think?" Barry asked. "No it shouldn't. I can't wait to meet our daughter" Kara replied. "Until she's here, I think you should stay in bed. So you don't get hurt again" he said. "Yeah okay. I love you, Barry Allen" she said. "I love you too, Kara Allen-Danvers" he said. Kara giggled. "Are you always gonna say that?" she asked. "Yep" he said. They kissed then went back to sleep.

The next morning, Cononel Haley made a call to Lex. "Lex, I have a plan to know the identities of the Flash and Supergirl" she said. "Good. Get to it. Don't fail me or our mission" Lex said, then he hung up. "So, how long are you going to hold on to your little slave?" Thawne asked. "Believe me, she's not been the 'recruit' I thought she'd be" Lex replied. "Once she finds out their identities, she won't be needed" he said. "Are you telling me that you have no idea who Supergirl is?" Thawne asked. "Well I wouldn't be doing all this for a laugh would I? Wait, do you know who the Flash is?" Lex asked. "Yes. I made him who he is today" Thawne replied. "Are telling me that you know who he is and you haven't told me?!" Lex exclaimed. "Yes. But until we know who Supergirl is, I won't tell you. Where's the fun in that?" Thawne said.

At the DEO, Alex was watching Haley's every move. She didn't trust her. Then she came to talk to Alex. "Miss Danvers, I understand that Supergirl has a human resource that she contacts every now and then. You don't happen to know who she is, do you?" she asked. "No, I don't. Even if I did I wouldn't tell you" Alex vigorously replied. "Too bad, I already know. I just wanted to see if you'd tell me. And just so you know, I am going to find out her identity and she will do my bidding. If you get in my way, I can make your life miserable" Haley said. "Call if there is anything" she said. Cononel Haley went to see Kara.

Meanwhile Kara was in bed, watching TV. Barry moved the TV closer to the bed so she could watch it. Then there was a knock on the door. Barry opened it and it was Cononel Haley. Barry was shocked but he had to act like he didn't know her. Afterall, Barry only Haley from being the Flash. "Yes hello, who are you?" Barry asked. "Hello, I'm Cononel Haley. I thought this was Miss Danvers' apartment" Haley said. "It is. I'm her husband Barry. She's in bed. Come on in" Barry said. Barry led Haley to Kara. Kara was absolutely shocked. Kara has to also act that she didn't know Haley. She only knew met her as Supergirl. "Who are you?" Kara asked. "I'm Cononel Haley, I work with your sister Alex. I wanted to ask if Supergirl ever told you her identity" Haley said.

"No she didn't tell me. I mean, she wouldn't want to put people in danger by telling them her identity, would she?" Kara asked. "Okay. Well, I'll see myself out. By the way, congratulations on the baby" Haley said. She left. "What was she doing here?" Barry asked. "I don't know. And I've heard about her reputation. Once she wants to do something, she always follows through. She won't stop until she finds out that I'm Supergirl. I need to call Alex" Kara said. "Okay. Just be careful. Lex could be listening" Barry said. Alex was receiving a call from Kara. "Hello?" Alex asked. "Cononel Haley was here. She wants to find out mine and Barry's hero identities" Kara replied. "I know. But there's no stopping her. Wait, hold on. She's announcing something. See ya. Bye" Alex said.

"Alright, listen up! I know that some of you know who Supergirl really is. I will interrogating everybody here one by one. And just so you know, you won't be able to hide anything from me. I have this" Haley announced. It was the alien in the jar she had. "This, is a Vertullarian, better known as a Truth Seeker. Whoever is in physical contact with it, can never lie. I will know who Supergirl and The Flash really are. You. You're first" she said. "As you humans say, we are screwed" Brainy said.

Alex didn't want to call Kara. She didn't want to worry her. Brainy didn't have to worry. He could wipe his own memory and restore it. Alex knew that she only had one option. Alex called J'onn and asked him to her at Kara's. She also called all the agents who knew Kara's secret.

"Alex? What's going on?" J'onn asked. "Cononel Haley had a way of finding out your identities. She's using an alien called a Vertullarian. Whoever comes in contact with it can't lie. She's using it figure who your identities" Alex replied. "So what's the plan?" Barry asked. "Well, me and the others have agreed that it would be best if you wiped our memories of us knowing Kara is Supergirl" Alex replied. "What?! No no you can't do that" Kara argued. Kara was struggling to get up. "Kara, countless times again and again, you've saved all of us and me. Now it's time for me to save you" Alex said. Alex hugged her while she was crying. "J'onn, we're ready" Alex said.

J'onn was using his powers to wipe Alex and the agents memories od Kara being Supergirl. Kara couldn't watch. Once they had their memories wiped, they went back to the DEO to get interrogated by Cononel Haley and the Vertullarian. They passed. They now have no idea who Supergirl or the Flash are.

"How you holding up?" Barry asked. "I'm fine. It's just, things won't be the same anymore" Kara replied. "I know but, even though she doesn't know, she saved us". Barry and Kara hugged each other.

With Alex's memory wiped, how will thsi affect their relationship? And the next chapter is Christmas. And there will be a special surprise in store for them.

To be continued...

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