Chapter 1: New Beginnings.

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Barry and Kara now live on the same Earth after Oliver recreated the multiverse. Will they survive the challenges they've been thrown?

It has been a few days since Crisis on Infinite Earths. Barry met with Kara to discuss how they were gonna live. Where they would live. "Hey Kara" he said. "Hey Barry. So um, since we're having a baby, I think we need to discuss our living arrangements" Kara said. "I know. I think it would be best if I moved in with you, Kara. But, I'm not sure if everyone's going to be okay with it. I mean, they all thought I was gonna die but I didn't and um, now if I say I'm moving, they might hate me" Barry said. "Look Barry, they won't hate you. They'll understand. Central City has got great heroes to protect it. Kid Flash, Jesse Quick, Ralph and maybe even Caitlin. Just, give them time and tell them when it's right" Kara said. "Thanks Kara. I'm excited to have a daughter. Whatever we face together, we'll do it together" he said. "Always" she said.

Barry headed to Central City for a few days. He decided to tell Team Flash on what he was planning on doing. "Hey guys, we need to talk" he said. "Sure. What's wrong?" Caitlin asked. Before Barry could speak, the alarm went off. "Meta-humans" Caitlin said. "I'll sit back on this one. You guys can deal with these ones" Barry said. Wally, Jesse and Ralph went to deal with the new meta-human. "Why did you let those three go? Is something wrong?" Ronnie asked. "No. It's just um, Kara's pregnant" Barry replied. "She is?! Oh congratulations!" Caitlin exclaimed. "Yeah she is. It's a girl and um, we were talking about the living arrangements" Barry said. "And now we're living on the same Earth now, we kinds wanted to move in together. We agreed that I would move in with her" he said.

"Oh. Oh okay. Yeah we get it" Caitlin said. But Barry knew she was struggling with the sudden news. Wally, Jesse and Ralph came back with smiles on their faces. And Barry knew he had to tell them. "Hey guys, can I tell you something? Kara's pregnant and we agreed that I would live with her in National" he said. "Oh. Well congrats but why would you move away?" Wally asked. "Well, National City doesn't have many heroes but I'm leaving Central City in good hands" Barry said.

Barry left to gather his thoughts. He was having a coffee in Jitters, when Ronnie sat with him. "Hey man. Look, I understand what you're going through. But, the news came a bit sudden. We all thought you were gonna die, then you didn't, and then you announced you're leaving. They need time. They'll understand" Ronnie said. "I know. And I know you guys will protect Central City. This city's in great hands" Barry said.

Barry and Ronnie arrived back at Star Labs. "Hey guys, look I should've told you after a few days after what we just went through" Barry said. "No. We understand that you want to live with your wife. It was just all of a sudden" Jesse said. "I know. By the way, you and Wally can take my apartment. I won't be needing it anymore" he said. "Thanks, man" Wally said. "I know you'll do me proud. Now, I need to hand in my resignation at the CCPD" Barry said.

Barry headed to the CCPD and handed it in to the captain. He explained why he was moving. "I respect your decision, Allen. There's one thing: this place won't be the same without the Flash" Singh said. "Yeah. Wait what? You know?!" Barry questioned. "Yeah. How do you think you still have a job after being late all the time" he said. Barry smiled and shook the captain's hand.

Barry said his final goodbye to Central City, as he was heading for a new chapter in his life. Barry ran to Kara's apartment and moved in. "I'm glad we're living together" Kara said. "Me too. And I can't wait for our daughter to get here" Barry said. Kara giggled. "I wonder if we're prepared to be parents?" she asked. "To be honest, no one's ready to be parents but I know we'll raise a great daughter" he replied.

"I have to go for a scan on a few days. To see how the baby's doing" she said. Then they heard sirens. "That's my cue" she said. Kara changed into her suit and does her superhero thing. But Barry grew concerned. With Kara carrying his child, should she be going around saving the city?

While Supergirl was apprehending an alien, she started to feel weak, she grew drowsy. She lost her balance and fell over. Barry saw this on the news and headed to her location. The Flash arrived on the scene. He spun around the alien and knocked him out. Barry picked Supergirl up and headed to the DEO. Alex was scanning her. "How is she?" Barry asked. "She's okay. But, with her being pregnant, that might be why she collapsed" Alex replied. Kara regained consciousness. "What happened?" she asked. "You collapsed while apprehending an alien" Alex replied. "Man. Did the alien get away?" Kara asked. "No, I dealt with him. Look Kara, we need to talk" Barry said. "Yeah, I know. I think I need to go the Fortress and see if this is normal" Kara replied. She got up and headed to the Artic. Barry followed her and was frustrated that she wouldn't listen.

Kara and Barry were in the Fortress. Kara was looking researching on how pregnant kryptonions act. It said that kryptonions don't act like humans. Kara had no idea what she would be in for. Kryptonions normally have babies genetically. "Kara, we need to talk" Barry said. "Can it wait?" she asked. "Kara, while you're pregnant, I think Supergirl needs to take a break" Barry said. "What? Why would I?" Kara asked. "Because of what happened earlier. What if you get hurt threatens our child's life. I think it would be better if you stop being Supergirl for a while" Barry said.

"I understand. It's just, I didn't want to admit it. I know you're concerned. And I agree but, kryptonions give birth genetically, unlike humans. So, I'm scared" Kara said. "I know but, we'll face it together and it will be worth it" Barry said, kissing Kara.

Barry and Kara headed home to their apartment. They hugged each other. "So, National City has a new protector: The Flash. And I know this city will appreciate their new hero. Afterall, we've been working together since forever" Kara said. "I know. New challenges. New adventures. I'm excited" Barry said.

How will Kara handle not being Supergirl? And can the Flash be enough to protect National City?

To be continued...

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